Mar. 4th, 2018

Research for DIGM 540

Designing for Transformative Play by: Jon Back, Elena Marquez Segura, and Annika Waern

This paper could serve as a very useful base behind my current project for designing editable physical engineering mechanisms within the Unity game engine. I could use this idea along with my toy to look into creating a more open, user defined play area. This paper focuses on play designed in an open way.

Some Important Key Words:
  1. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  2. Human-Centered Computing
  3. Interaction Design
  4. Interaction Design Theory
  5. Explorative Play
  6. Creative Play
  7. Transformative Play
Further Topics to Look Into:
  1. Ludic Design by Gaver et al.
  2. Stenros Thesis on foundational theory of play

Current Progress of Research Paper

Link to Google Doc of Paper Information