Procedural Fence Asset in Houdini

May 20, 2019

Houdini Procedural Fence Asset

Vimeo – Intro to Procedural Modeling in Houdini: Making a Fence Asset

By: trzanko

Notes: Projecting Curve down onto surface – make sure curve is entirely above surface first – done by transforming this up in y an amount equal to the bounding box of the terrain – can use Ray node – used wrangle – VEXpression to project curve onto terrain: vector rayd = {0, -100, 0}; vector hitP, hitUVW; int hitPrim = intersect(1, @P, rayd, hitP, hitUVW); @P = hitP; – this has every point fire a ray downward and determines where this ray intersects the terrain, and then sets that point’s position to the intersection point Create Orthos – used a Polyframe node – turned off the Normal Name and reassigned the Tangent Name to “N” – this made all the point normals basically follow allong the curve – use VEXpression to direct normal vectors – used wrangle: – VEXpression: vector up = {0, 1, 0}; v@side = normalize(cross(up, @N)); v@up = normalize(cross(@N, v@side)); – Seeing as this did two cross products in a row, I this sets v@side directly perpendicular to the curve (in plane) then v@up creates a vector perpendicular to all of this, including the plane (so this creates a vector that is up from the line) Created the Posts – simple boxes where we polyextruded the top with a bit of an inset Copy Posts to Terrain – Used simple copyToPoints with our post and points along the terrain – this placed their centers at the curve location however, so they were buried half way underground – to fix this, we added another attribute wrangle before the copyToPoints where we moved the points along their v@up vector a distance equal to half of an offsetDistance – the offsetDistance channel then referenced the box sizey so it was always half of the height of the box – this positioned the posts directly onto the surface Starting Fence Links Simple Spread – Made 3 new copies of our offsetDistance wrangle node – the general offset to center the posts went into the first copy – this copy offset was used for the link locations – this copy then went into both of the remaining offset copies – one of these final offset copies had an inverse relative reference to the other’s offset – these were merged – this merge with the combined offsets created a spread, where changing the offset of the one offset corresponded to a reverse offset of the other Creating Separate Staggered Lines – put all of the points of the link lines into a group called cut – used polycut node to turn all of these small line segments between the points into individual prims – used an attribute wrangle with modulus 2 function to basically remove every other primitive – we then used a copy of this setup but with the opposite modulus (when equal to 1 instead of 0) to delete the opposite segments – these were then combined with an offset to give an overall controllable pair of segment groups – this entire setup was then copied to create a second set of links all together Parameterization – Using the offset attribute wrangle we created in several different locations lets us control several dimensions of the fence links – overall distance of links from the ground – distance between the two sets of links – spread distance within a link set itself Creating Links – used a small grid as the base object – used Sweep node to place these all along the link points – used a Polyfill (the polycap they used must be deprecated) to fill in the ends of the links Extra Polish – to make the fence links feel less identical, they added a varied horizontal offset to them – this was done by using another copy of the offset wrangle created, but changing the v@up to v@side – they then added a dir (direction) vector, which used another mod 2 function, but fit the result between -1 and 1 – this was also applied to the offset, so the links would alternate offset directions with each link