Human Fall Flat Workshop Resources Updated

August 7, 2019

HFF WS Resources

Links to Useful Information

I am getting back into some HFF WS editing for my thesis project, so I gathered a lot of resources together on how to work with it, how the updates change things, and a few tutorials for putting some objects together. I compiled this list of resources while I downloaded the updates, added the new WS package to the Unity project, and updated all the prefab icons in editor to make everything nice and easy to use once I finally started putting a scene together to test things out.

Steam HFF WS Help

[NEW] Human Workshop: Features, Multiplayer Support and Backward Compatibility to 1.2 Alpha2

[NEW] Human Workshop: Example Workshop Levels, Templates and Prefab Testbeds

[NEW] Human Workshop: Editor Improvements and Node Graph System

[NEW] Human Workshop: Post-Launch Fixes, Updates and Additions – v1003292

HFF Tutorials

By: Gotcha McFee

Rope tutorial in Unity for Human Fall Flat

Moving Platform Tutorial in Unity for Human Fall Flat