Unity Learn Premium – First Look Tutorials

September 28, 2019

Unity Learn

Tutorials and Courses

Unity Learn

Link – Unity Learn

The Humble Bundle had a sale on a lot of interesting Unity content, including a year subscription to some learning tools such as Unity Learn Premium so I decided to finally grab it and look into it. There are definitely a lot of courses and videos I am interested in checking out, so I just wanted to quickly go through and list a few to do as soon as I can.

I am not sure how well these links will work since they will mostly be through this paid service of Unity Learn Premium, but I am hoping they at least work to get me back there when I want to use them.

Intermediate Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses

Unity Learn Course – Intermediate Programming

Advanced Programming: Unity Game Dev Course

Unity Learn Course – Advanced Programming

Introduction to ScriptableObjects

Unity Learn Tutorial – ScriptableObjects

These three stood out to me very quickly as useful tutorials and courses to look into. The courses will be very helpful at just covering general programming in Unity. Even if they cover some topics I have already done, it is always useful to find new and different ways to build systems or implement certain programming techniques. And finally, the ScriptableObjects tutorial just covers a topic that I still need to look into more and just have not yet.