Exploring NavMesh Capabilities

February 5, 2020


Unity Tutorials

Unity NavMesh Tutorial – Basics

Tutorial #1 – Link

By: Brackeys

Navigation Mesh Basics | Unity AI Pathfinding (Part 1) | Table Flip Games

Tutorial #2 – Link

By: Table Flip Games

Use Unity3D NavMeshAgent.Move to customize your navigation control

Tutorial #3 – Link

By: Jason Weimann

Crowd Behaviours on a Dynamic Navmesh in Unity Part 1

Tutorial #4 – Link

By: Holistic3d


I am looking to explore Unity’s NavMesh to see what features it has to compare with A* Pathfinding, especially my setup I worked on specifically. I want to see the benefits it readily provides over A* as well as see if I can find any useful features that could be implemented in some way into A*.

Tutorials 2 and 4 both are the beginning of series so they can be useful for exploring deeper into NavMesh. Jason Weimann in tutorial 3 is also generally a good source for exploring features more deeply at a more advanced level.