March 24, 2020
AI For Beginners
Graph Theory
Graph Theory
Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses
Unity Learn Course – AI For Beginners
Graph Theory
The AI for Beginners course starts very basic so I have not covered a lot up until now. It handles the basics of moving an object with simple scripting, as well as guiding and aiming that movement a bit. This section starts to get into some more interesting theory and background for AI.
Graphs are simply collections of nodes and edges. Nodes are locations or points of data, and edges are the paths connecting them (which also contain significant data themselves). There are two directional types for edges within these graphs: directed and undirected. Directed paths only allow for movement between two nodes in a single direction, while undirected paths allow for movement either direction between nodes.
Graphs are used in any case to move between states. These states can be real states or conceptual states, so the nodes and edges between them can possibly be much more theoretical then actual objects or locations.
Utility Value: This is the value for an edge. Some examples shown were time, distance, effort, and cost. These are values that help an NPC make a decision to move from one node to the next over said edge.
Basic High Level Algorithms for Searching Nodes
Breadth-First Search
Marks original node as 1, then all adjacent nodes to that as 2, then all adjacent nodes to all of those as 3, etc. until it reaches the destination node. It then counts backwards to determine the path. Examines all possible nodes in graph to find the best path. This makes it effective but expensive and time consuming.
Depth-First Search
Starts at NPC position, then finds one adjacent node and numbers it, then it finds another single adjacent node and numbers it. This continues until it finds a dead end, in which case it returns to the last node where there was another direction to try and heads off in a different direction with the same method.
More Advanced General High Level Algorithm
A* Algorithm
All the nodes are numbered. It creates an open list and closed list, which keep track of nodes visited. There are three main cost values associated with the edges in this case: Heuristic cost (H cost), Movement cost (G cost), and the F cost.Heuristic Cost (H Cost): estimated cost of getting to the destination from that specific node (this value is generally distance related)Movement Cost (G cost): utility cost of moving from one node to another nodeF Cost: sum of the H cost and G cost which determines the total value of that nodeEach node stores these cost values as well as its parent, which is the closest node that continues the proper path. Once the final node is reached, the nodes follow this chain of parent nodes to determine which nodes make up the path to travel.
This was a very simplified approach to graph theory that was at the very least helpful as a small refresher on how A* worked. I also learned that Unity’s NavMesh uses the A* algorithm at its foundation. This does give me a good starting point with some subjects and terminology to investigate to understand some theory behind AI however, with graph theory, the nodes and edges, and the basic search methods.