Tower Defense Tutorial – Brackeys – Ep. 01, 02, 03

January 23, 2019

Tower Defense Tutorial

Episode 01 – 02 – 03

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E01) – Unity Tutorial
Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E02 Enemy AI) – Unity Tutorial
Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E03 Wave Spawner) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys
Ep. 01

Created all the nodes in grid that make up the map. Created the ground out of scaled cube objects as well. Added start and end location as simple cubes for now.

Ep. 02

Creating the enemy AI with waypoints. A static transform array was created to contain all of the locations of the waypoints. There was an issue where we got an “index out of range” error because the enemy was looking for another waypoint to go to when it was supposed to be destroyed. It was being destroyed, but since that can take the computer some time to do, it was continuing into the next lines of code before the object was completely destroyed. To solve this, a return; line was added in the if statement for destroying the object to ensure that process finished before doing the rest of the code.

Ep. 03

This was creating the wave spawner for the enemies. The spawner needs a timer to control how often and when it releases waves. The approach used here was a countdownTimer that was reduced by time.deltatime in the update method.

Enemies however were being spawned directly on top of each other all at once for each wave. Coroutines were the choice to resolve this issue. Coroutines are useful to run functions separately and side by side with the main functionality of the code.

Field of View Tutorial with Mask Shaders

January 22, 2019

Field of View

Tutorial – E03

Youtube -Field of view visualisation (E03)

By: Sebastian Lague

This tutorial ties the Field of View (FoV) series in with shaders. These shaders block everything from rendering except what is viewed by the player character. The shader scripts actually had barely anything added to them, and I’m not completely sure what they did.

The shaders were both Standard Surface Shaders. A Stencil method was added into the SubShader section of both. In StencilMask, this method was just:
Pass replace
In StencilObject, it was:
Ref 1
Comp equal
The only other additional code was in StencilMask, which was adding “Queue” = “Geometry-100” to the Tags, then ColorMask 0, and ZWrite off.


  • ”Queue” = “Geometry-100”

    So these tags are terms that represent integer values that determine what is rendered first. Geometry has an integer value of 2000, and is the base for most opaque objects, so choosing “Geometry-100” will make whatever this shader is applied to render before anything labeled as just Geometry (like most opaque objects) as it will now have a value of 1900.

  • ColorMask 0

    ColorMask sets color channel writing mask. Writing ColorMask 0 turns off rendering to all color channels. Not sure exactly what this ends up doing.

  • Stencil

    The Stencil Buffer is a general purpose per pixel mask for saving or discarding pixels.

  • Ref 1

    This is the value each pixel is compared against and/or value to be written to the buffer.

  • Comp equal

    Comp compares the reference value to the current contents of the buffer.

  • Pass replace

    A Pass block renders geometry of a GameObject once. This determines what to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes (which might go with the Ref). Replace writes the value into the buffer.


StencilObject is placed on the materials to all of the GameObjects, like the obstacles, the ground and the targets. This makes them render completely black. Then the StencilMask is applied to the ViewVisualization material of the player’s vision, and this “uncovers” the objects in vision by allowing them to render normally (removing the internal mask the objects are placing on themselves).

StencilObject creates a reference value of 1, then compares to that value. So it should only render pixels whose value equals 1, the reference value in the buffer. StencilMask has a Pass replace command, so this apparently writes the Ref value directly to the buffer. So this is writing the value 1 to the buffer. For some reason, this renders just before standard Geometry queue objects, and there is a ColorMask 0. This will require more shader knowledge in the future for me to understand fully.


For some reason, my ground plane was fading out on the edges. The outter edges would actually fade so much they completely blended into the background as the exact same color. I know the ground was still there as I could see it in the editor and the player did not fall when walking on the invisible ground area, but it just did not appear. Changing the Directional Light color to black fixed this for some reason, so there appears to be some strange interactions with these shaders and the lighting in the scene.

List of Tower Defense Tutorials for Unity

January 21. 2019

List of Tower Defense Tutorials for Unity

How to make a Tower Defense Game (E01) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys

This is the start of a 28 episode series for creating a tower defense game from scratch. It is mostly 3D, although the game plays in a 2D environment.

0.0 Unity Tower defense tutorial – Introduction

By: inScope Studios

This is a 2D sprite tower defense game that uses tiles/grids to create its levels and environment. It also includes a lot of nice smaller tutorials along the way like creating a loading screen, some options screen elements, hovering for information boxes, etc.

1 Hour Programming: A Tower Defense game in Unity 3d [Tutorial]

By: quill18creates

This is a quick “speed run” of creating a basic tower defense game just to see if the creator could get one up and running in about an hour. This may not have the best practices, but can be good for finding some of the bare minimum requirements for getting a tower defense game off of the ground.

Recap – Week of January 13 to January 20

January 20, 2019

Recap – Week of January 13 to January 20

Thesis Work

Continue to search for some research on the general term of “game mechanics” to solidify the use of its definition as well as determine the components that make for interesting variable mechanics.

Terminology to Look Into – Programming


Structs were a big part of the field of vision tutorials, and I still don’t fully understand how to utilize them. They are structured data containers that can hold many types of variables to use over and over, but I’m not sure if there’s more to them to help utilize them, especially for games. Could help to look into a tutorial where there are characters or enemies with stats (i.e. RPGs), or a pokemon-like tutorial (well, also under RPG).

Field of Vision Recap

Youtube – Field of view visualisation (E03: stencil shader)

By: Sebastian Lague

To start, I just wanted to include that there is a 3rd part to this tutorial series I would like to get to. The field of view (FoV) tutorial was really useful for learning several aspects of Unity programming overall. I learned more about creating Editor elements for making your scripts into more designer friendly tools. I was still getting some weird interactions with the GetAxisRaw command I need to look into. This was also a nice refresher on generating meshes within script, but the extra twist of tying it in with raycasts was something interesting, new and useful.

Learning Foundations of Unity Shaders

My Blog – Learning Foundations of Unity Shaders

This was my first time learning about shaders and getting into the Shader Language and scripting anything, so I was introduced to a lot of new concepts and terminology. I covered it pretty extensively in the blog post, so I just relinked it here. These tutorials made by Unity in several steps are usually very informative conceptually as well as programmatically.

Quadtree and Octree

These data structures for use in games seem like they could be very useful for some things I am interested in since they seem like they can be pretty computationally beneficial if you want to have wide reaching field forces interacting between many different objects. I will still need to do more research into this, as well as find more tutorials as they were hard to find.

Intro to Quadtree and Octree in Unity

January 19, 2019

Quadtree and Octrees

Intro to Oct/Quadtree Data Structures

These sources begin to explain what quadtree and octree systems are and their potential uses in a game environment. There are a few tutorials attached as well explaining how to set them up with programming. Searching for these topics did not turn up a lot, but these few sources seem to be good starts.

Youtube – Lets Make an Octree in Unity

By: World of Zero

This is a basic approach to just setting up an Octree system in Unity in general.

Youtube – Building the Quadtree – Lets Make 2D Voxel Terrain – Part 1

By: World of Zero

This is the result of a challenge to the creator to make a Worms-style terrain destruction system. This would be approached by creating a 2D voxel system.

Youtube – Coding Challenge #98.1: Quadtree – Part 1

By: The Coding Train

This video gives a very good conceptual introduction to what a quadtree really is and the uses of it in programming. It then sets up how to create one in javascript.

Learning Foundations of Unity Shaders

January 18, 2019

Intro to Shaders in Unity

Glitchy Man Material

Unity3D – Live Training Session: Writing Your First Shader In Unity

This tutorial was pulled from the tutorial list I created January, 17th (“Assorted Unity Tutorials – Structs, Shaders, and Unity Architecture”). IT not only introduced me to the core components that make up a shader in Unity, it also covered a lot of terminology and behind the scenes information to give me a better foundational understanding of how shaders operate.

Types of shaders you can create in Unity:
  • Surface Shaders: code generation approach that’s easier to write lit shaders than using low level vertexe/pixel shader programs
  • Unlit Shaders: don’t interact with Unity lights, useful for special effects
  • Image Effect Shaders: typically postprocessing effect that reads source image, does calculations, and renders result
  • Compute Shaders: programs run on graphics card, outside normal rendering pipeline; used for massively parallel GPGPU algorithms or accelerate parts of games rendering
Explaining Basic Shader Script

Shaders go onto a material. Determines how a material is rendered. Standard for Unity shader uses Shader Language. The Properties block is similar to public variables in Unity, as they can be seen in editor. The Pass block is where script passes logic to renderer. Tags explain how it wants to be rendered. The two structs (data functions) pass into main functions. These are the vertex function (vert) and the fragment function (frag).

Core Terminology for Shader Scripts
  • Vertex Function: takes shape of model and potentially modifies it; gets the vertices of model ready to be rendered; converts form object space to clip space (relative to camera); result goes to fragment function
  • Fragment Function: applies color to shape output by vertex function; this paints in the pixels
  • Property Data: colors, textures, values set by user in inspector
  • LOD (Level of Detail): this goes with how detailed object is (usually associated with idea in games where closer objects have higher detail and far objects have low detail)

Shaders do not use inheritance. Most classes in Unity start as Monobehavior, which gives you a lot of nice base functions. Shaders need that included, which is what the line { #include “UnityCG.cginc”} is for. This includes the use of a bunch of helpful helper functions.

Two important structs: appdata and v2f. appdata passes in information of vertices of 3D model. These are passed in in a packed array (variable with 4 floating point numbers: x, y, z, w). POSITION is a semantic binding, this tells shader how something will be used in rendering. V2f is short for “vert to frag”.

Coordinate system translations:

Local space -> World Space -> View Space -> Clip Space -> Screen Space

Looking into fragment sections

Fixed4 can either be: x,y,z,w or for color, r,g,b,a. Created a variable _TintColor in properties, which showed up in Unity inspector under the Unlit_Hologram material. This then needed to be used in the CGPROGRAM to actually do anything. We added this color to the fixed4 col found in fixed4 frag, which “adds” the colors together.

Making a transparent Shader

First, changed RenderType in Tags from Opaque to Transparent. Also needed to add “Queue” = “Transparent” here, as the order things are rendered is also important. Because of this, you want other things rendered before rendering the transparent thing because you want the transparent thing rendered “on top”. There are several primary queue tags that exist for rendering order. The following is the order of rendering generally, from first to last.

Primary Queue Tags for Render Order:
  • Background (first, back)
  • Geometry (Default)
  • AlphaTest
  • Transparent
  • Overlay (last, top)

Add ZWrite Off keyword. Tells us to not render on the depth buffer. This is usually done for non-solid objects (i.e. Semi-Transparent).

Displacing vertices and clipping pixels

Using the function “clip” in frag function to clip out pixels within a certain threshold. Adding sin function along with several variables (Speed, Amplitude, Distance, Amount (Multiplicative Factor)) into vertex function to move vertices around in object space, relative to the object. This is done before passing into the frag function. _Amount was a factor in a range between 0 and 1 just to control how much the shader effect was happening. The amount was important for the C# script used to control the effect on a time based interval. The C# script, HoloManGlitcher, could access the variables within the shader script. This was done simply through the material. (i.e. holoRenderer.material.SetFloat (“_Amount”, 1f); )

Assorted Unity Tutorials – Structs, Shaders, and Unity Architecture

January 17, 2019

Unity Tutorial Assortment

Structs, Shaders, and Unity Architecture


By: Blackthornprod

Youtube – Beginning C# with Unity – Part 15 – Structs

By: VegetarianZombie

Youtube – Reduce Garbage Collection in Unity with Structs

By: Unity3d College

Youtube – Unity Architecture – Composition or Inheritance?

By: Unity3d College

Youtube – Shaders 101 – Intro to Shaders

By: Makin’ Stuff Look Good

Unity3D – Live Training Session: Writing Your First Shader In Unity

By: Unity

This is juts a list of some useful resources of tutorials for some things I would like to get around to soon. They cover some basic functionalities of Unity, as well as some more in depth programming concepts to help aid in building my code.

Field of View Tutorial E02 – FoV Mesh – by Sebastian Lague

January 16, 2019

Field of View

Tutorial – E02

Youtube -Field of view visualisation (E02)

By: Sebastian Lague

This is the second part of a tutorial creating a field of view (FoV) for a character in Unity. This focuses on an in-game visualization of the field of view that fills the entire viewing area. FoV visualization is a generated mesh. This will be built from tris made up by the character’s position and the end point of each ray cast within the FoV.

A struct was created to hold all of the information for the raycasts. Used transform.InverseTransformPoint to convert a point (Vector3) from a global value to a local value.

The FoV mesh initially had an issue dealing with the corners/edges of obstacles. A high resolution was needed (many rays cast) to reduce the visual jitter effect around obstacle corner/edges. This was addressed further in the tutorial. To solve this, approached the problem by determining when rays go from hitting obstacle to missing obstacle, and label these “min” and “max” values. We know edge must be between these two rays somewhere. Then you cast rays directly in between these two rays until you find the edge/corner (or somewhere very close).

This solution helped the case of the FoV mesh hitting an obstacle very well, but still had issues if the two sequential view rays hit two different objects. This case has both rays hitting an object, so the logic determines this case is fine, however it produces a similar problem to what we had before. To fix this, a distance threshold between the two ray hit locations was added. This assumes two points hitting far apart were most likely parts of two different obstacles. The solution appeared to make the FoV mesh much smoother.


My FoV mesh was glitching out sometimes when interacting with obstacles. Some of the points of the mesh were jumping to very far away and incorrect positions. This did not appear to happen at all in the tutorial video, but happens pretty frequently with my setup so it may just be a typing error within the code somewhere. I will have to investigate to determine the issue.


The tutorial provides the scripts through github, so I was able to compare them side by side and find the error. It was a typo. In the DrawFieldOfView method, in the check to see if the sequential raycasts hit the same type of thing where they are checking for the edge cases, they add either pointA or pointB to the viewPoints list depending on which one is not equal to zero. I had both of these cases adding pointA specifically, which is what was causing the very strange mesh shapes sometimes for cases where my Fow was hitting obstacles. and a GDC Talk on Level Designers

January 15, 2019

Level Design – Resources

Talks and Online Source

Youtube – GDC 2015 – Level Design in a Day: Level Design Histories and Futures site

These have been helpful level design resources for games that were brought up in our class today for Architectural Approach to Level Design. While not particularly useful now, they could be good resources to go back to.

Field of View Tutorial E01 – by Sebastian Lague

January 14, 2019

Field of View

Tutorial – E01

Youtube -Field of view visualisation (E01)

By: Sebastian Lague

This tutorial sets up a field of view (FoV) for a character. This FoV gives basic sight to a character. This sight has a radius and a viewing angle, and it is blocked by obstacles. This FoV also has a global setting that determines if it follows the character’s rotation or not. There are also editor elements that make it visually very clear what is happening by drawing out all of these factors.

Unity angles: Normally we start with 0 degrees to the right of the circle, but Unity starts with 0 at the top of the circle (where you’d normally have 90 degrees) for its angular math calculations. Since sin (90 – x) = cos x, this just means we swap sin and cos in Unity math.


I had an issue with GetAxisRaw command not working for mouse inputs with the axes being “Horizontal” and “Vertical”. It just constantly returned a value of 0. This was ok with keyboard inputs however.