Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Smooth Weights – Pt. 07

December 10, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 07 – Smooth Weights

A* Pathfinding (E07: smooth weights)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


This tutorial covers smoothing the movement penalty values out over an area, as opposed to the areas just directly being either one value or another. This will also be helpful for my uses as most cases when updating movement penalties in areas will not just want to update the single exact node where an important action happened. While that area should most likely have the largest impact on its weight, it will make sense to apply a light value change around that area as well. This seems to fit right in with smoothing or blending of weight values.


Box Blur: weight smoothing algorithm using averages of values within a kernel around a block in the grid

Kernel: a smaller grid sample within the overall grid; used here as the space to gather data from to create an average value with

The smoothing theory they look at is called Box Blur. In this case, each part of the grid represents an average value of the blocks around it. This smaller grid used for the averaging process is called a kernel. They intitially show this off by using a 3×3 kernel, which averages all 9 values in the kernel and places that value in another grid in the same relative location as the center of the kernel. This shows off the idea well, but they mention a more efficient way.

The more efficient way is to do a horizontal pass and a vertical pass separately. Representing the same overall 3×3 kernel as before, they start by doing the horizontal pass with a 1×3 sized kernel. This adds the 3 values in a row horizontally. This becomes more efficient because when they move to the next grid element, instead of searching for the next 3 elements, they simply keep tabs on the current sum and subtract the leftmost value (which is no longer in the kernel) and add the new rightmost value (which was just added to the kernel).

This is repeated over the entirety of the grid until they all received a horizontal pass (in all cases, values near edges of the grid are repeated if the kernel would go out of bounds). They then go through this new grid of summed horizontal values and do the same process, but vertically (so a 3×1 kernel). This gives the same exact resulting grid as the first method that averaged 9 values at once with the 3×3 kernels, but more efficiently.


The approach here is actually pretty standard to what I would have guessed. They create 2 new grids with dimensions equal to the original pathing grid for each of the blurring passes, horizontal and vertical. They do the horizontal pass first, which grabs values from the original grid and sums them in kernels whose size is determined by the designer. The vertical pass then uses the values from the horizontal pass grid to create its own grid. These values are then passed in as the movement penalty values to the corresponding original grid nodes.

The key things to note were:

  • They wanted the kernel to always be an odd value so that it had a clear central location, so the input parameter of blursize was always multiplied by 2 and had 1 added for the kernel size. This mathematically ensures they are always working with an odd value.
  • To replicate the idea of “duplicating values at the boundaries outside of the grid” they used Mathf.Clamp when searching for grid elements to sum so that if it ever went out of bounds for a grid index, it used a clamped value at the edge instead (effectively grabbing the same value again in edge cases).
  • The core of the algorithm needs values to already exist, so there is some additional logic for the first pass just to make sure all the intial values are properly set first before the true process begins.


This again is something I always like to learn more about, and this was exactly what I wanted with this type of system just to help truly see what is going on behind the scenes with all the pathfinding logic.

They did this in the way I would have approached it. As they set the penalty values, they have a simple check to figure out what the lowest and highest values in the whole grid are. They then use these values as the bounds for a Color.Lerp for the visualization between black and white. This gives the nodes a gray scale representing their cost, with black being the highest values, white the lowest, and shades of gray for the values between.

This did show an issue with the current code. The obstacles had a slight blur of lower penalties around them. This is because the code does not factor in penalty values for obstacle areas at all, so they currently have a penalty value of 0. This is generally not ideal.


This tutorial was again, a great step in the direction I am trying to take this A* pathfindin logic in for my project. Since I want to update the penalty values at real time based on events that take place within the grid, it will make sense to disperse some of that value updating out from the single node the events occur on.

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Weights – Pt. 06

December 9, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 06 – Weights

A* Pathfinding (E06: weights)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


Weights are exactly what I am looking for to influence the intelligence of the units in my project. They are an additional factor for moving in certain areas to make them more or less “appealing” to the AI to further influence their movement. This makes their movement more interesting than the simple “point A to point B” shortest distance.

When importing the Road object, I had to scale mine up (x5) to fit my scene like the tutorial. Unsure if they changed the size of their scene at some point, so this may impact the way the units travel so it is important to keep in mind.

This system is going to have the grid use a bunch of raycasts to see what they collide with to determine what type of terrain is in which area. The ray will return information on what terrain was hit, and this will relay the penalty information back to that specific grid location.


This class just had an int field added to it to hold the movement penalty value. While small, this is really the main piece of information that will allow everything else to work properly.


They added a new class, TerrainType, to hold information for the various terrains. This included a LayerMask field and an int field for the penalty value. The AGrid class itself then holds an array for these TerrainType objects so that the type and its corresponding penalty can be set in the Inspector. They noted that the LayerMask field here can have multiple layers set as usual, but make sure to NOT do this currently as it will mess up the current code.

(Much more code can be added to handle this, but they just wanted to do the simple setup for now)

They wanted to create a single LayerMask variable that held all the values of the masks within the TerrainType array. Unity uses bit masks for their layer mask system, so doing this required some weird syntax:

foreach (TerrainType region in walkableRegions)
//walkableMask.value = walkableMask | region.terrainMask.value;
walkableMask.value |= region.terrainMask.value;

The commented out section is the general concept of what is happening, and the uncommented section is just a short hand notation of doing the same thing. It uses a bit-wise OR operator to “add” the values together into a single layer mask.

Finally, in an attempt to provide some optimization to this system, they created a dictionary to hold information on all of the layers in the walkable regions. As the TerrainType array was added to the overall walkableMask, they were also added into a dictionary where the first value is the layer number and the second value is the movement penalty. Then when the raycasts were run, they just had to check this dictionary with the layer number they received so they could return the proper movement penalty value.


While I am not sure if this is exactly how I will be looking to use weights in my own system, it was still very helpful to see one way of approaching it. This method focused on the movement penalty being an inherent property of the type of ground, where I am looking for something that can update in the same area over time depending on other factors (such as learned danger of an area). At the very least, the math for factoring in the new penalty costs will most likely remain pretty similar in most approaches.

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Units – Pt. 05

December 4, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 05 – Units

A* Pathfinding (E05: units)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


This tutorial focuses on passing the Pathfinding information to units so that they can actually use it to move.

PathRequestManager and Updating Old Classes

Having many units use this logic at once would be a bit too costly and could cause slow downs, so this needs to be managed and spread out in order to keep the game from slowing down or stopping.

This was done by creating the PathRequestManager class. This was created to ensure only one request would be processed at a time. Requests were added to a queue, which are then popped off one at a time to fulfill. A simple bool check was used to ensure one request was being done at a time (isProcessingPath).

A new struct named PathRequest was created within this class as well to make managing the data much easier. These PathRequest objects would hold a Vector3 for the start position, another Vector3 for the end position, and then a bool named callback. This just helps keep all the data together in a nice package when processing through the request manager.

Once this was setup, the Pathfinding class (PathfindingHeap) needed updated to work with this. As I expected, the FindPath method was changed to a coroutine, and a method was added within PathfindingHeap simply to start this coroutine (as well as pass in the needed parameters for starting and ending positions). Next was getting a unit to actually use all of this to inform its movements.

All of the nodes used for the path are effectively used as waypoints for an object to move through. Bigger and higher resolution grids would be creating a lot of waypoints this way, so to reduce this they created a SimplifyPath method that only creates waypoints at nodes where the direction changes. A Unit class was then created for the actual moving objects that simply requests a path and then follows the waypoints generated by the path.


Finally for visualization purposes, they used some more OnDrawGizmos methods. They drew a cube at each waypoint, and then drew a line between each of these waypoints. The lines were then removed as the unit traversed them to show their remaining path. This was a really neat and effective way to show their pathing logic.


This setup for a request manager seems very simple, but effective enough for lower scale cases. I think some of my recent work with overall event systems in Unity could be used to really improve this overall system. The visualization was a nice touch and worked really well. This is definitely something I want to look into more to help show how logic behind the scenes works to others.

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Heap Optimization – Pt. 04

December 2, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 04 – Heap Optimization

A* Pathfinding (E04: heap optimization)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


This tutorial focused on converting the pathfinding setup over to a heap system to help speed up the process, especially for larger scaled environments and node grids. There is some useful theory at the beginning, and then it gets into heavier code work, so I again break down the classes later in the tutorial.

General Heap Theory

One of the first places to optimize this A* pathfinding is in the Pathfinding class where it searches through the entire open set every time it tries to determine the next lowest F cost node. Heap optimization will be used here to reduce the load of the process.

A heap is basically a binary tree where each node branches out to two more nodes. The general rule of this tree is that the parent value is less than that of the children nodes. When placing a new node, it is placed at the end (on a “leaf of a branch”) initially. It is then checked with its parent and if it is less, it swaps positions with that parent. This continues until it reaches a parent with a lower value, or the node moves all the way to the top.

For the A*’s needs it will constantly be removing the node with the lowest value. This will always be the node found at the top of the heap. To fill the space when that is removed, they take the last value added to the tree and place it in the opening (at the top). They then compare this with the children nodes and swap it with whichever value is lower. This continues until it reaches a point where none of the children are lower value (or it has reached the end of a branch).

Some basic integer math can be used to locate the array index of an element that is the parent or a child of any given node. A parent can be found for any index with the formula:

parentIndex = (index – 1) /2

This works with both children as “half” values will round down in integer math.

Then this can similarly be used to get the children of a node, with the minor caveat that each child has its own unique formula. The formulas for these are:

leftChildIndex = 2 * index + 1
rightChildIndex = 2 * index + 2

Heap Class

They created an entirely new class named Heap. This was a generic class that would take in a type, T, so that it could also be generically used for various different types of objects. This started with some basic fields for an array of items (of type T) and an int for currentItemCount. There was then a constructor that simply took in an int as a parameter which dicated the size of the items array.

They then created a new interface, IHeapItem, within this same script. It implemented the interface IComparable (which is part of the System namespace). It was initially created with just an int named HeapIndex, which will be used to hold the index value of that item within the heap. This was important to note as the Heap class then used a “where” keyword to dictate that T implemented the IHeapItem interface. I assume this means that the type T used for the Heap class MUST implement the IHeapItem interface.

They create a few key methods here in the Heap class. The Add method takes an item of type T and adds it to the heap by setting its heapIndex to the currentItemCount and then adding it into the items array at the end (in index currentItemCount). It then uses the SortUp method to properly position that element in the heap, and increases the currentItemCount.

SortUp is the basic logic for continuosly comparing a new element to its parent until it is properly positioned. It uses the CompareTo method within to compare the items with their parents, which can return a value of 1, 0, or -1 depending on how the comparison priority is determined.

Then a simple Swap method was created to properly swap the items in two index array positions. It also has to separately change their heapIndex values to match their new index positions. This is done by also swapping the two items heapIndex values.

Then a method is also needed to remove items from the heap. This was named RemoveFirst. It returned the top element of the heap (items[0]), and then replaced it with the last element in the heap, with index (currentItemCount – 1). It then has to run a similar sorting algorithm to properly place this newly moved item.

The method to sort this newly moved item was named SortDown. This took an item as a parameter and constantly compared it with its children items and swapped their positions until it either reached the bottom of the heap or did not find children with higher priority than the actively sorted item. It checked if there were any children, then which child had higher priority, than compared the higher priority child to the current item. If the child was higher priority, they swapped. Otherwise, end the loop.

Update Node Class

They then move to the Node class to update it with the new Heap class. This starts by implementing the new IHeapItem with type Node. Because of this implementation, they need to add an int field for HeapIndex, and because of that interface implementing IComparable, they also need a method named CompareTo.

HeapIndex just gets and sets the value of heapIndex. CompareTo uses compareTo methods to compare the fCost and Hcost values to determine which node has higher priority. Integers can use the CompareTo method as well, and will similarly return 1 if the value it is compared to is greater, 0 if they are the same (equal), and -1 if it is lower.

So their approach creates an int named compare that is set equal to the CompareTo value between the fCosts of both nodes. Then, if it is 0 (which means they are equal), it sets compare equal to the compareTo value between the hCost values of the nodes. Finally, it returns the opposite value of compare (-compare), since they want it to represent higher priority, which actually corresponds with the lower cost values in this case.

Finally they just needed to update the Pathfinding class to use the heap instead of a list. I made a separate class called PathfindingHeap just to archive both versions of the code for myself. They then showed how to use the System.Diagnostics namespace to create a StopWatch to keep track of time as a measure of performance. This helped show that the new heap method is much faster for larger scale searching and grids.


The heap optimization clearly appears to work from the several tests I ran and they ran in the tutorial video, especially as you scale up the environment. While this is clearly very useful for pathfinding, the general theory behind heaps also just seems to be useful knowledge for generic programming practices. This makes it very nice that the tutorial sets it up in a very generic way, so I can possibly use this for other logic later on.


I need to look into the syntax used for the Heap class setup. The initial line for the class is:

public class Heap where T : IHeapItem

This is syntax I have not come across before. I assume this means that the type of objects used for the Heap MUST implement the interface IHeapItem, but I want to look into this just to make sure.

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Algorithm Implementation – Pt. 03

November 20, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 03 – Algorithm Implementation

A* Pathfinding (E03: algorithm implementation)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


Since these sections are very coding intensive, I just setup a breakdown into the different classes that are worked on. I try to discuss anything done within the class in that class’s section here. As should be expected, they do not continuosly do a single section and move to the next, they jump back and forth so that the references and fields make more sense for why they exist, so I try to mention that if needed.


This class begins to implement the psuedo code logic for the actual A* algorithm. It starts with a method, FindPath, that takes in two Vector3 values, one for the starting position and one for the target position. It then uses our NodeFromWorldPoint method in AGrid to determine which nodes those positions are associated with so we can do all the work with our node system.

It then creates a List of nodes for the openSet and a HashSet of nodes for the closed set, as seen in the psuedo code. It is around here that they begin to update the Node class since it will need to hold more information.

The next part is the meat of the algorithm, where it searches through the entire openSet to determine which node to explore further (by using the logic of finding the one with the lowest fCost, and in the case of ties, that with the lowest hCost). Once found, it removes this node from the openSet and adds it to the closedSet. It is mentioned that this is very unoptimized, but it is one of the simplest ways of setting it up initially (they return to this for optimization in future tutorials).

Continuing to follow the psuedo code, they go through the list of neighbors for the currentNode and check to see if any are walkable and not already in the closedSet to determine which to further explore.

Here they create the distance calculating method that will serve as the foundation for finding the gCost and hCost. This method, named GetDistance, takes two nodes and returns the total distance between them in terms of the grid system. Just to reiterate, it returns an approximated and scaled integer distance value between two nodes. Orthogonal moves have a normalized distance of 1, where diagonal moves are then relatively the sqrt(2), which is approximately 1.4. These values are then multiplied by 10 to give their respective values of 10 and 14 for ease of use and readability.

If it is determined that the neighbor node should be evaluated, it calculates the gCost of that neighbor from the current node by adding the distance to the neighbor from the currentNode to the currentNode gCost. It then checks if this is lower than the neighbor node’s current gCost (so they found a cheaper route to the same node) or if neighbor is not in the openSet (which means it has never been evaluated, so has no gCost to compare). If these criteria are met, it sets the gCost of the neighbor to this determined value, and calculates the hCost using the new GetDistance method created between the neighbor node and the targetNode.

It finally sets that neighbor node’s parent as the currentNode, and checks if the neighbor was already in the openSet. If not, it adds this node to the openSet.

The RetracePath method was created, which determines the path of nodes to follow once the target has finally been reached. Starting with the endNode (target position), it cycles through each node’s parent by continually changing the checked node to the current node’s parent until it gets back to the startNode, and adds them to a list named path. Finally, it reverses the list so they are in the proper order matching the actual object’s traversal path (since doing it this way effectively gives you the list of nodes backwards, starting with the end).


They add the gCost, hCost, and fCost as public ints here finally. The fCost is actually just a getter function that returns gCost + hCost. This is a nice setup that provides some extra encapsulation as fCost will never be anything else so it may as well only return that sum whenever it is called.

Later they also add ints gridX and gridY, which are references to their indices in the overall grid array. This helps locate them, as well as their neighbors, more easily in later code.

A field is created of the type Node named parent to hold a reference to a parent node. This serves as the link between nodes to give a path to follow once the final destination has been reached. As the lowest fCost nodes are found, they will create a chain of parent nodes which can be followed. This is done with the RetracePath method in Pathfinding.


They added the GetNeighbors method here. It takes in a node, then returns a list of nodes that are its neighbors. It effectively checks the 8 potential areas around the node with simple for loops spanning -/+ 1 in the x and y axes relative to the given node. It skips the node itself by ignoring the check when x and y are both 0. It also makes sure any potential locations to check exist within the grid borders (so it does not look for nodes outside of the grid for nodes on the edges for example).

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Node Grid – Pt. 02

November 20, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 02 – Node Grid

A* Pathfinding (E02: node grid)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


This started by creating the overall Node class to contain valuable information for each individual node, and the Grid class that would be dealing with the overall grid of all the nodes (I rename this to AGrid to avoid errors in Unity).


For now, this simply holds a bool walkable, which represents whether this node contains an obstacle or not, and a Vector3 worldPosition, which contains data on its Unity real world position.


This class has a couple parameters that influence the coverage and resolution of the overall A* system. The gridWorldSize represents the two dimensions covered by the entire grid (so 30, 30 will cover a 30 by 30 area in Unity units). The nodeRadius is half the dimension of a node square, which will be used to fill the entire grid. The lower the nodeRadius, the more nodes (so higher resolution, but more computing cost).

The intial setup is a lot of work that simply breaks down whatever the overall area being covered by the grid into int size chunks to use as indices to work with a 2D array containing all the nodes. The NodeFromWorldPoint method is also created, which is a nice method that takes in a Vector3 value and returns the node encompassing that point. I like the extra step of clamping the values here to reduce possible errors in the future.

Unity Feature Notes:

Clamp Example:

// Clamped to prevent values from going out of bounds (will never be less than 0 or greater than 1)
percentX = Mathf.Clamp01(percentX);
percentY = Mathf.Clamp01(percentY);

Mathf.Clamp01 clamps a value within the bounds of 0 and 1. This percent value should never be outside of those for the purposes of the grid anyway (they help determine basically what percentage away a node is on the x and y axes separately relative to the bottom left node). So in error cases, this will simply give a node that is at least on the border of the grid.

The CreateGrid method in the AGrid script uses a Physics.CheckSphere method to determine if a node is traversable or not. This simply creates a collision sphere of a determined radius that returns information on anything it collides with.


They use the DrawWireCube Gizmos, which just lets you create a wire cube outline with defined dimensions. This is very nifty for conveying the general area covered by something visually in your editor.


Unity had an issue with naming the one script “Grid”, as they already something named Grid built into the system. It gave me a warning that I would not be able to use components with this object. Just to make sure I did not run into any future issues, I renamed it “AGrid”.

Sebastian Lague A* Tutorial Series – Algorithm Explanation – Pt. 01

November 20, 2019

A* Tutorial Series

Pt. 01 – Algorithm Explanation

A* Pathfinding (E01: algorithm explanation)

Link – Tutorial

By: Sebastian Lague


G cost = distance from starting node H cost (heuristic) = distance from the end node F cost = G cost + H cost

A* starts by creating a grid of an area. There is a starting node (initial position) and an end node (destination). Generally, you can move orthogonally (which is normalized as a distance of 1) or diagonally (which would then be a value of sqrt of 2, which is approx. 1.4). Just to make it look nicer and easier to read, it is standard to multiply these distances by 10 so that moving orthogonally has a value of 10, and diagonally has a value of 14.

The A* algorithm starts by generating the G cost and H cost of all 8 squares around the starting point (in a 2D example for ease of understanding). These are then used to calculate the F cost for each square. It starts by searching for the lowest F cost and then expanding the calculations to every square in contact with it (orthogonally and diagonally). Recalculations may be necessary if a certain path finds a way to reach the same square with a lower F cost. If multiple squares have the same F cost, it prioritizes the one with the lowest H cost (closest to the end node). And if there is still a tie, it basically can just pick one at random.

It is worth reiterating that the costs of a square can be updated through a single pathfinding event. This however only occurs, if the resulting F cost would be lower than what is already found in that square. This is actually very important as the search can lead to strange paths to certain squares giving them higher F costs than they should have when there is a much more direct way to reach that same square from the starting node.

Coding Approach

Psuedo Code (directly from tutorial):
OPEN //the set of nodes to be evaluated
CLOSED //the set of nodes already evaluated
add the start node to OPEN

current = node in OPEN with the lowest f_cost
remove current from OPEN
add current to CLOSED

if current is the target node //path has been found

foreach neighbour of the current node
if neighbour is not traversable OR neighbour is in CLOSED
skip to the next neighbour

if new path to neighbour is shorter OR neighbour is not in OPEN
set f_cost of neighbour
set parent of neighbour to current
if neighbour is not in OPEN
add neighbour to OPEN

There are two lists of nodes: OPEN and CLOSED. The OPEN list are those nodes selected to be evaluated, and the CLOSED list are nodes that have already been evaluated. It starts by finding the node in the OPEN list with the lowest F cost. They then move this node from the OPEN list to the CLOSED list.

If that current node is the target node, it can be assumed the path has been determined so it can end right there. Otherwise, it checks each neighbour of the current node. If that neighbour is not traversable (an obstacle) or it is in the CLOSED list, it just skips to check the next neighbour.

Once it finds a neighbour to check, it checks that it is either not in the OPEN list (so this neighbour is a completely unchecked node since it is in no list since we also just checked to make sure it was not in the CLOSED list) or there is a new path to this neighbour that is shorter (which is done by calculating the current F cost of that neighbour, since it could be different now). If either of these are met it sets the calculated F cost as the actual F cost of this neighbour (since it is either lower or has never been calculated), and then sets the current node as a parent of this neighbour node. Finally, if neighbour was not in the OPEN list, it is added to the OPEN list.

Setting the current node as the parent of the neighbour in the last part of the psuedo code is helpful for keeping track of the full path. This gives some indication of where a node “came from”, so that when you reach the end you have some reference of which nodes to traverse.

Programming A* in Unity

November 14, 2019

A* Programming


A* Pathfinding (E01: algorithm explanation)

Tutorial #1 – Link

By: Sebastian Lague

Unity – A Star Pathfinding Tutorial

Tutorial #2 – Link

By: Daniel

Unity3D – How to Code Astar A*

Tutorial #3 – Link

By: Coding With Unity

I have used A* before, but I would like to learn how to setup my own system using it so that I can make my own alterations to it. I would like to explore some of the AI methods and techniques I have discovered in my AI class and use that to alter a foundational pathfinding system built with A* to come up with some interesting ways to influence pathfinding in games. I would eventually like to have the AI “learn” from the player’s patterns in some way to influenece their overall “A* type” pathfinding to find different ways to approach or avoid the player.

Tactics Movement Tutorial (Cont.) – AI and A*

January 4, 2019

Tactics Movement – AI

AI with A* (A Star)

Youtube – Unity Tutorial – Tactics Movement – Part 6

By: Game Programming Academy

This part of the tutorial implements A* for use as the AI for NPCs. Most tactics games would generally involve some type of action phase, but this tutorial finishes with just getting the movement setup.


The tutorial’s breakdown of A*:

  • processing the open list by finding the lowest f cost
  • put it in the closed list
  • checking for the target
  • then process adjacency and see if tile is in open list, closed list, or neither (in which case it is added)

Like in many tactics games, the NPCs will still show all of their selectable locations to move before actually selecting one.

For checking distance, tutorial just uses “Vector3.Distance”, but they suggest using the squared magnitude value since it is easier computing because Distance uses square root. Used for setting up simple AI searching algorithm to find the closest thing. It is a simple foreach loop that goes through an array of gameobjects checking the distance between the gameobject itself and each of those individual objects. The distance as well as the object is stored, so whenever a new lower distance is found, the object will be replaced, otherwise, the same object remains there (as that indicates the currently checked object is farther away).

The tutorial tries to keep the TacticsMove script as a generalized class that holds all the helper methods for use in the other classes.

A* uses two lists: an open list and a closed list. A* can also use a priority queue, but C# doesn’t have a built in priority queue. The open list is any tile that has not been processed, and the closed list is those that have been processed. It will finish when the target tile is added to the closed list.

Since we’re using tiles, we could use the “Manhattan Distance” instead. Manhattan distance may work better particularly with arrays though so tutorial sticks with Euclidean distance.

Since we’re using pathing to walk up to a unit, not on top of, the tutorial just decides to follow the A* path and then stop one node before the end (which would be where the target unit is located).


Manhattan Distance:The sum of the absolute differences of the Cartesian coordinates of two points. This represents the straight line nature of moving around on tiles in this case which is a grid-like layout.

Priority Queue: Like a normal queue but each element within has a priority value associated with it.


Suggested by the tutorial, program NPC for case where there is no target in range.