Completed Prototype Model of a Shark for Dark Shark Project

April 14, 2020

Model Shark for Dark Shark

Modeling in Maya 2019

Modeling a Shark – Pt 4

Youtube – Tutorial #1

By: Dan Pejril


I followed parts 4 and 5 of this tutorial series on Youtube to guide my process for making my shark model for the Dark Shark project. Part 4 helped me with finding a way to mirror objects in Maya to create the pectoral fins for the model. The approach they used was to delete half the faces of the model to then duplicate the remaining half with “Duplicate Special” and scale -1.0 in the x. This way anything done on the one half of the model was duplicated on the other side.

Part 5 got more into creating the mirrored objects and merging it back together. After creating the pectoral fins, they then needed to combine the two halves back into a single mesh. This was done with “Combine”. This unites the individual meshes into one, this however does not really modify the verts and edges. To complete the combination, they used a “Merge” to join the verts and edges that are very close together. This properly completes combining the mesh.


I was pretty happy with the results since I had not modeled in a while. I was just looking to make a simple, low poly, prototype model for now that I could just use as an effective place holder for now in the transition to make my game project in 3D. My Dark Shark project uses the orthographic view from the top, so the character silhouette from the top view is the most important so I focused on making that stand out and look nice. I am still working on how to cleanly represent the dorsal fin and tail fins in this view, but I made sure the pectoral fins were clearly visible to really drive home the imagery of a shark.

Shark Model in Maya

Shark Model in Unity and Game View

Modeling a Shark Player for Dark Shark Project

April 13, 2020

Model Shark for Dark Shark

Modeling in Maya 2019

Modeling a Shark – Pt 1

Youtube – Tutorial #1

By: Dan Pejril


I am looking to convert my original Dark Shark small game project from a 2D game to a 3D game as I progress with it, so I am using this as an opportunity to practice using Maya as a 3D modeling software and the pipeline of migrating models from there into Unity, since I haven’t done either in a while. My main focus is the gameplay and designing the underlying game systems, so I do not need an amazing model for now. This will just be practice so I’m making a simple, low-poly shark just to act as a place holder for now, and I can always upgrade it and make it nicer later if I want.

The video tutorial I have linked is a simple tutorial for modeling a simple shark, so I am using it as a rough reference as I brush up on the basics of using Maya as well as helping me design the shark a bit. As I mentioned, I’m just looking for a simple blocky low poly shark for now, so I am not dealing with some of the finer details from the tutorial, and ignoring details such as smoothing.

Some of the techniques it has helped me brush up on so far are: adding edge loops, selecting/moving/scaling verts/faces/edges, and extrusion. This is after going through the first three parts of this modeling tutorial series. I have done all this before, but it has been a long time now so it was helpful just to have a bit of guidance to remember which techniques to use when.