April 21st, 2018

Exploring Uses of Physics in Gameplay

Physics in Games: A New Gameplay Frontier – from Gamasutra.com

Article by Pascal Luban on Dec. 4th, 2007. This is an older paper explaining some of the possibilities opened up by computers becoming stronger and being able to process physics in games more readily. The author suggests ways of using physics as a core gameplay element as opposed to just some aesthetic element.

March 2nd. 2018

Talks on Game Design

SINFO, March 1st, 2018 – Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street from Riot Games – 20 Things I Learned in Twenty Years of Making Games

Talk on his career path as a game designer, and good ways to advance yourself as a game designer. Same key points are: Make things good enough, not perfect (consider diminishing returns); you will change jobs a lot; games ship when you run out of money; have goals and iterate; making a team is harder than making a game; as a game designer, not smarter than players (all people informed on game); empathy. Emphasize importance of varied types of people on teams producing elements of game (combine programmer, artist, designer, etc.)

Difference between Blizzard and Ensemble companies – Iteration. Ensemble: create something, put it in game, test. This worked but was a bit inefficient. Blizzard: Ideas must go through a lot of thought and people before even being created, which means most things created in game are going to be higher quality, which results in a more efficient process.

    How to get into game industry?

  • You have to stand out
  • You have to prove your passion
  • The best way is to make something

Compromise with feedback, take something from beginning to end, kill your babies, understand diminishing returns. Rather see someone finish things than start a bunch of things. See someone push through with changes and edits to finish something than just giving up (shows endurance, will to push through for end product).

Bennet Foddy – Bend Physics to your Will