Getting Started with Frog Generator in Houdini

May 9, 2019

Frog Generator Houdini Project

Helpful Guides

Youtube – Piranhaconda – Houdini SOPs Muscle and Wrinkles Tutorial

By: AuthorityFX

Vimeo – Working with Noise

By: SideFX Houdini

Vimeo – Houdini 16 Masterclass | Custom Shading

By: SideFX Houdini

I am looking at creating a frog generating tool with Houdini as my final project for a procedural modeling class, so I just gathered a few tutorials that I thought might be helpful. The skin of the frogs is going to be a key feature that I don’t have much experience with, so I want to look into noise and shaders and how those go together to apply there.

The first video just seems like a generally helpful video for creatures, especially those without fur since the wrinkles should be much more noticeable. Frogs will also have some very visibly wrinkly locations dealing with their legs and face especially I think.

More Houdini Modeling Practice Tutorials

May 5, 2019

Houdini Modeling Tutorials

Spider Webs and Sine/Cosine Fun

Youtube – Procedural Spider Web – Houdini Tutorial


Youtube – [Houdini Tutorial] 0031 Spider Web (Slow version)

By: Junichiro Horikawa



These are some more Houdini tutorials that are more focused on modeling. Again, this is just to help me get some ideas for my final Houdini procedural modeling project. These seemed fun and pretty simple so they’re nice examaples to just get a little more practice without setting up for a huge project.

Houdini Modeling Tutorials – Extra Practice

May 3, 2019

Houdini Modeling Tutorials

Basic Modeling for Practice

Youtube – Beginner Houdini Modeling Tutorial | Tire Model

By: CGI Nerd

Youtube – Low Poly Hard Surface Drone Character Houdini Modeling Tutorial

By: CGI Nerd

These two tutorials just cover the full process needed to make two separate models with some variability. These just look like good places to get some practice modeling in Houdini in general, exercising the basics like using a lot of nodes I already know in a new way while learning how to use a few new ones all together. I just want to get a look at a few more ways to approach overall models before deciding on a final project idea for my Houdini procedural modeling class.

Exporting Animation Videos from Houdini

May 2, 2019

Exporting Videos from Houdini

Make Houdini Animations into Videos

Vimeo – My Flower Blooming Animation
Vimeo – Water flowers blossoming in Houdini. Tutorial + project (HIP,comp,ae)

By: Mike Stoliarov

I attempted to get into this large tutorial/project showin in the Water Flowers tutorial. The video is more of a time lapse than a tutorial really, so it’s not the best resource to learn from. However, the video links to a downloadable version of the actual Houdini project itself, so I could use this to learn from.

After getting the project to finally run at all, I was able to follow along with the very first steps in the overall process. They imported some flower assets (petals, centers, stems, etc.), but I just made the petals and central object in Houdini itself. I was able to replicate the interesting point noise that is the foundation of the water effect, and translated it into a way to move color across my flower. After that, I just used similar techniques for using the Bend node to get that “blooming” feel.

Getting a Video File of the Animation

This gave me more issues than I thought it would. Rendering an animation to view in MPlay was straight forward enough, but getting anything out of this was a bit tricky. Initially, after letting all of the frames render out, I was trying to use “Export” and export any video type. There are options for 64 bit Windows, 32 bit, and Quicktime movie, but none of them were doing anything for me. Selected any would say “File saved”, with the path, the name, everything, but nothing actually appeared.

After some searching around, I found that I needed to save out the image sequence first. This can also be done right there in MPlay. After that, you then open the image sequence in MPlay and only THEN can you actually export a video file out. It was the proper export commands I was using earlier, but I just needed to feed in the image sequence first.

This created .avi video files. I was looking to create an .mp4 file as well, but could not find a way to do that in Houdini. I then looked into ways to convert .avi files, but to no avail. I tried an online converter but it kept failing. Then I tried VLC, which has a convert option, but it just kept putting out 1 kb video files with nothing in them.

Houdini Vex

April 23, 2019

Houdini Vex Code

cgWiki – HoudiniVex

As I was working on a chandelier project in Houdini, I needed a lot of help learning the ropes of Vex. In my research I came across this huge resource that was not quite useful at the time, but looked like a really good place to start for some vex tutorials. I want to come back later to this resource to help get a hang of the basics of vex in Houdini.

Exporting FBX from Houdini with Color

April 17, 2019

Exporting From Houdini

FBX and Color Information

Exporting the Model

Using my balloon Houdini example from class, I was able to export the geometry using the Educational version (the Apprentice version does not allow exporting FBX, but you could export an OBJ for my purposes possibly). This was very straight forward, as you can just use File -> Export -> FBX in Houdini.

Since I was doing this for a class to use in a Snapchat filter (using LensStudio), I wanted to reduce the poly count a lot. I opened the FBX in Maya and used a basic Reduce to reduce the poly count a lot before exporting that for use in LensStudio.

While this was good enough to export the geometry, I could not get any of the color information to come with it. I originally exported out an OBJ and had the same issue, so I exported FBX in hopes it would keep the color information somehow, but this was not the case.

Exporting the Color Information

My first thought to get the color information out of Houdini (since the colors of my balloons were being created with color nodes assigned directly to the primitives) was to create a material or texture of some kind with the information. My first attempt was simply adding a PrincipleShader to the balloon and hoping that would hold on to the color data. While the material did come out with the FBX export, it still did not have the color information.

Next, I looked to the output channel of Houdini to see if there was something I could use there. This is where I came across the BakeTexture node. This node has a huge amount of options that I could not really get a hold of everything, but this ending up being a good starting point to my process. I could use a lot of the default settings, including the “Texture Format” UDIM. This format however, requires that there be UVs on the geometry, which mine did not.

Using this to determine my next step, I looked into how to create UVs for my model. This led me to the UVProject node. This node can actually create a UV map from your model. It has several settings to change the plane it projects onto and the projection method, but the defaults were all good enough for me. It created a simple rolled out horizontal texture of my balloon model with its current color information.

Now, with UVs I could go back to the BackTexture node. This allowed me to use the UDIM “Texture Format” now. The selections I used under Images – Main, were “Extract Image Planes” (with Extract Format of PNG) and “Surface Unlit Base Color (basecolor)”. Basecolor ended up being the file I actually used in the end. Finally, I selected my balloon object as the “UV Object 1” and selected a path to output the file in “Output Picture 1”, as well as setting the “Resolution” to 256 x 256. This gave me my PNG texture file.

Using the Model and Texture

When I placed the FBX model in LensStudio, it came with the PrincipledShader as a material naturally now. I placed my exported basecolor PNG texture file in as the base texture file for the PrincipledShader material and this got my colors onto the balloons. Since the models did not seem to be exporting perfectly true to form of the Houdini geometry, I am not completely sure how accurate the color information is to the Houdini version, but it looked similar enough for my purposes.

Houdini Flower Tutorials

April 13, 2019

Houdini Flowers


Youtbe – CGI Rose using Houdini and Redshift by Stephen Bester | VFX

By: CG Record

Youtube – Houdini Tutorial: Creating Water flowers blossoming | Project File for download

By: CG Record

Vimeo – Water flowers blossoming in Houdini. Tutorial + project (HIP,comp,ae)

By: Mike Stoliarov
UPDATE 4/29: This is the same video as the one above, but has higher resolution options so you can see the steps much clearer.

These are a couple tutorials showing how to create flower-like objects in Houdini. I’d like to get into making plants with Houdini at some point, especially flowering plants, so I just wanted to start gathering some resources for that.

While one of these tutorials is for creating water flowers, a lot can be taken from that for the core of the flower making process. The other tutorial is for making a rose, which is perfect for a lot of flower uses. It also says it uses Redshift, which I’m not sure what that is or how much of a difference that makes in Houdini’s workflow for any reason.

Houdini Assignment – Fuse and Group

April 8, 2019

Houdini Assignment

Fuse and Group

I worked on a Houdini class assignment to make a basic model and decided to try and create the bulb on the back of a Bulbasaur, a Pokemon that is half plant and half dinosaur. I figured I could use a lot of the basics we learned in class to get me pretty far, while also needing to cover a few new things to get it exactly how I wanted it.

In class, we created a basic hot air balloon. This consisted of tracing a curve over a background reference image of a hot air balloon, creating a section of the balloon from this original curve, then replicating that section as many times as needed to fully encompass the full balloon. These were a lot of principles I used for creating my bulb.

The biggest hurdle I needed to overcome was that that top of each of my sections would all need to connect at a single point, so I would need some additional nodes after simply creating a “left” and “right” variation of my additional curve making up a single segment. I decided to approach this by using a grouprange node and an additional fuse node.

The grouprange node allowed me to create a group consisting of the three points at the top of each curve. I changed the “Group Type” to points, since I was interested in point objects, and I adjusted the “Range Filter” according to how many points I had on my curve. By setting the “Range Filter” to “Select 1 of 8”, where 8 was the number of points in each curve (since they were all similar copies of each other), I could create a group that was all of the first points on the curve, which happen to be the top ones.

I then followed this with a fuse node to snap these three points together into one. The way I was able to get the best result was by setting the “Group” to the group I created in the previous node, and using the “Snap” version of the fuse node. When I increased the “Snap Distance” a significant amount, all the points combined into one to create the tip of the leaf-like structures of the bulb.

Using Houdini with Unity

April 3, 2019

Using Houdini with Unity

Houdini Unity Plug In

Youtube – Houdini Engine | Create an Asset for Unity
Youtube – Houdini Engine for Unity
Youtube – Procedural Workflows with Houdini and Unity 2018 for Game Artists | Kenny Lammers | SIGGRAPH 2018

By: Houdini

After starting a Houdini procedural modeling course today, I wanted to start looking into ways to easily implement the assets into Unity. These videos help with that basic process, as well as showed me that there are basic plugins to integrate Houdini assets into Unity with some of their procedural properties in tact still.

The last video is also a very technical implementation of using Houdini within Unity to help with track design for a driving-type game. It begins to really show the power of using Houdini to develop live game assets.

Houdini Basics

March 29, 2019

Houdini Basics

Interface and Physics

Youtube – SideFX Houdini For Absolute Beginners
Youtube – PHYSICS For Absolute Beginners – SideFX Houdini Tutorial

By: Surfaced Studio

As I am on vacation over break, I just wanted to quickly check out some basic Houdini tutorials to go over for my classes next quarter. These ones seemed to cover the absolutely basics as well as getting into some of the simulation aspects I want to check out specifically using Houdini.