Blob Opera: Machine Learning Opera Music Toy

February 14, 2021

Blob Opera

Machine Learning Music Toy

Blob Opera

Google Arts & Culture – Experiment

Machine learning driven music generator based on opera singing.


This is a fun music toy created as an experiment on Google Arts & Culture. It uses machine learning from real world opera singing to drive the musical blobs. There are 4 blobs representing different singer types and they are fueled through machine learning from the singing of 4 different opera singers (bass: Frederick Tong, tenor: Christian Joel, mezzo-soprano: Joanna Gamble, soprano: Olivia Doutney). The user can drag the blobs to guide the sounds; raising the blobs up and down changes the pitch, while moving them back and forth changes the focal vowel sound they produce. Whichever blob is being controlled also guides all those lower than it when used. It’s a very cool machine learning music toy that is just fun to mess around with and get acquainted with hearing a bit of opera sounding music.

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What Are Neural Networks? – Basics Videos

February 17, 2020

Neural Networks

Youtube Videos on the Basics

But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1

Information #1 – Link

By: 3Blue1Brown

Neural Network Architectures

Information #2 – Link

By: Steve Brunton


I am following up on my original research into working with neural networks and machine learning. I started looking into the programming more before really looking into the full background of it, so I am going back to make sure I have a better understanding of the theory and concepts behind neural networks and machine learning. These sources I found seemed to be useful lectures to get a hold of the basic foundations for the concepts behind such ideas.

Unity ML Agents – Setup

March 15, 2019

Unity ML Agents

Balancing Ball Setup

Basic Project Settings

Make sure the “Scripting Runtime Version” for every platform you are targeting to build is set to (.NET 4.6 Equivalent or .NET 4.x Equivalent). I had to update the project to work with Unity 2018 and it already had .NET 4.x Equivalent as the default setting for all of my platforms.

Overall GameObject Hierarchy

The overall platform prefab has a “Ball 3D Agent” script which needs a brain property

The brain object then holds a Tensor Flow model property

Setting Up Training Environments

There are two ways to train your objects: in the Unity Scene Editor in by using an executable.

The first example will train in the Unity scene editor. This is done by accessing the “Ball 3D Academy” object, adding “3DBallLearning” brain to the Broadcast Hub of the “Ball 3D Academy” script, and checking the Control check box. The Broadcast Hub exposes the brain to the Python process, and the Control checkbox allows that Python process to control the brain.

Next I needed to use Anaconda Prompt to run the learning processes. Since I’m still getting the hang of this, I ran into a few basic issues noted in the PROBLEMS section.

After successfully completing the training, the trained model is located at path:


You then want to bring your model (the .nn file) into your Unity project, and then set this as the model property for the brain you are using.


Apparently I did not follow the default installation setup, so I was unable to access “mlagents-learn” from any directory. I found my ml-agents folder location and learned how to change my directory in Anaconda Prompt to get myself into the correct location. This then allowed the first step to properly process, which was running the line:

mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml –run-id=firstRun –train

After resolving this step, I was getting a UnityTimeOutException error in Anaconda Prompt. This was just because Unity was unable to communicate with the Python process because I forget to check the Control checkbox from the tutorial.

Finally, when I went to add my newly trained model to the Learning Brain and play the scene, I got an error and the platforms did not move at all. I did not reopen the scene like stated in the tutorial notes, and determined a default value of the scene might have still been altered. It turned out I just needed to uncheck the Control check box in the Brain Hub, which makes sense since that determines if the platforms are run by the outside Python process or not. Turning this off allowed them to perform on their own with the designated model properly again.


These are the next steps suggested by the end of this small setup tutorial:

Unity ML Agent Setup in Windows

March 11, 2019

Setting Up Using ML Agents in Unity

Windows 10 Setup

Unity – Machine Learning
Unity – Windows Installation

I was interested in trying out Unity’s machine learning agents toolkit so I started attempting to get everything setup and installed today. I have no prior experience with Python, so that took a bit of getting used to.

I had some trouble setting up initially as I followed the link in the documentation for the Python download which led me to get Python 3.7, but Python 3.6 is what is used in the installation notes. When I went to install the TensorFlow component, I couldn’t get that to work in 3.7. Afterward I went back and got Python 3.6 and setup a 3.6 environment and got the same error initially, but then got it to work after actually activating the ml-agents environment (so I may have been able to solve the error in Python 3.7 with this change).

Otherwise the setup went rather smoothly. The excessive use of Python encouraged me to look into some tutorials to start learning the basics to handle this Unity ml-agent system better.

The Windows installation also included an extra section for getting into GPU training for the ML-Agents. This seems like it adds a lot of extra complications so I am going to stick with the basic setup for now, but I may come back to this once I get a better grasp of Python and the ml-agent toolkit.