HFFWS Modify Prototype to Handle Building Multiple Scenarios

September 20, 2019

Furthering Prototype

Level Generator

Prototype Enhancement

Allowing for Multiple Scenarios to Be Created at Once

This started as a thought for just generally helping with testing the classes to see if they were working properly, but then it seemed like it could just be a powerful addition to the system in general so I decided to implement it more properly into the system. The basic idea was simply adding a “Test Counter” which I could adjust to create a number of instances of the generic scenario I was generating.

The idea was that this would let me see more instances of the variance the system has at once, so I could more quickly test if it seemed like the system was working or not. This also helps give me a better picture of the overall variance the system has as well, so it was actually more helpful than I first realized.

I have also dabbled in machine learning (ML) and a key portion of using that is creating several test environments to more quickly train your system or agents. This gave me more motivation to look into changing my variables into array sets to deal with the idea of multiple puzzle scenarios (which could potentially later feed into how to get this setup for multiple testing environments for ML).

At the root of everything, the system is doing very similar work to what it was doing previously. I have just added several for loops and changed some variables instances into arrays to allow the overall system to deal with several puzzle instances at once. Holding all of this information in arrays could also be beneficial for printing out the data somewhere to keep better track of what works and doesn’t work with the system at any given time.

Example Image and Video

Example View of 5 Generated Puzzle Scenarios – By: me

Vimeo – Example Iterations of Scenario with a Test Run with a Character

Link – Test Example with Gameplay


I just wanted to make sure to note some other factors I ran into with some more testing. The mass of the TestCubes that needed carried around to reach the ledges ended up settling on 120. That was a value I found to be fairly easy to move around, but not so light that the cubes would topple over often (especially the smaller ones).

Currently the GenerationSystem has an array that holds all of the ledge height values passed in from every generation of a ledge, so that can be fed to each properly indexed cube for scaling purposes. However, because I am passing that information on Awake, I was unable to set the size of that array equal to the number of tests (as it should be), because even doing so in Awake was not being done in time. I tried setting the size of the array directly on variable declaration, but I want to be able to control the number of tests to create from the inspector so the array size comes from a serializeable field in Unity. I could not use this to declare my array size in the class’s general declared variables. So for now, it is just hard coded at some decently large array size (like 10) until I find a better solution.


I would still like to test this setup with a more complicated puzzle scenario, as this simple one is already helping me see a lot of possibilities and flaws that will need adjusted.

HFFWS Building Prototype Setup

September 19, 2019

Building Prototype

Level Generator

Prototype Frame

The idea of this prototype design is simply to show the general concept of the final hoped for result of my thesis project. It will cover the core concepts of: creating the proper objects for a puzzle type, varying parameters of those objects, communication between objects.

This prototype will be a very simple puzzle. It will simply be an elevated ledge that the player must be able to climb up onto by using a block in the environment. This will demonstrated the concept of tying specific object types to a puzzle type (connected the instantiated block to an elevated ledge puzzle). It will have varied parameters by varying the position of the ledge (most notably the height) and the size of the block. Finally, the system demonstrates communication between objects by using information on the ledge’s position to control the range of the block size.


Class: Generator System

This class was created with the purpose of receiving data from all the individual creation classes which would be important for communicating with other creation classes. Information that a class needs to receive from another to inform how it should generate or instantiate objects should all be compiled here for other classes to pull from.

Class: Create Ledge

This is a small example of a creation type class which simply instantiates a ledge. The ledge is just a long box object. A range for its position, most notably its height, can be input by the designer. This class then instantiates the ledge somewhere within this range, and then passes the height information to the GeneratorSystem class.

Class: Create Box

This is another small creation type class, but this one exemplifies receing information from the GeneratorSystem as opposed to passing information to it. Its main function is just instantiating a box object. This class has ranges of inputs for the position of the box in 3D space as well. It also has a range determining what scale the box object should be instantiated at. This scale range however, uses information from the GeneratorSystem to see if it needs adjusted, and adjusts accordingly.

Just to show the general concept, the minimum scale that is given to this class will adjust based on how high the platform is instantiated. This is to ensure that the box is at least big enough to allow the player to reach the ledge, regardless of height (theoretically). There is also a max scale limitation which is just a fixed value to be put into the GeneratorSystem, which is there to make sure the box isn’t so big that the player cannot climb onto it in the first place.

Concept for General Flow

There needs to be a flow where all values that can be determined before instantiation are found and passed into the GeneratorSystem. This then needs to be followed by classes accessing this information (if they need other class information before determining some of their own values). Finally, the creation classes should all have the information they need to proceed and generate the puzzle scenario.

Testing Flow

I initially tried having each of these classes set static references of themselves in Awake in Unity, then pass information to GeneratorSystem in Awake, and finally grab values from GeneratorSystem in Start before instantiating at the end of Start. This however had an issue where the instances weren’t all being set in Awake in time to also pass values within it (between several classes). Basically, the small public GetInstance methods were being called before the instance in GeneratorSystem was actually set.

As a temporary fix, I simply changed the GeneratorSystem references within each seperate class into a public variable so I could just set them in the Unity inspector. This ensures that they are taken care of before anything else. This solved that problem, and could actually be a fine solution avenue as long as separate scenes are not needed.


This practice was helpful for visualzing the process I want to achieve, as well as getting started on figuring out the basics of how the individual classes should be setup to build this process. I am already starting to see repeated patterns that may be better suited with parent abstract classes or interfaces if I continue this route of just having many creation classes and one general GeneratorSystem class. That may also be helpful in the future for having GeneratorSystem find/store/etc. all these different classes.

This exercise has also helped me start to identify what values and variables may make sense to have the final product system determine on its own. For example, maybe the system could figure out on its own how much shorter the box can be than the ledge while still allowing the player to complete the level. Similarly, maybe it could determine the maximum size the box can be to allow the player to still climb onto it.

With this very quick and simple test, the objects did spawn inside of each other sometimes. This was noted as something I would have to look into at some point previously, so I am just reiterating.


Test this prototype out some more to get a feel for how this system works, and what fine tuning I can do to make it work a bit better. This will also help me get a better idea for the general framework of some of the classes I may need to make, and what higher level parent classes or interfaces I can make that can serve as the foundation for some of these creation classes.

This can also help me get a better understanding of how the data flow should work, and whether that should be switched around to any degree. This general framework was made with the intention that individual creation classes would contain the individual methods needed to adjust their personal ranges and needs, but maybe it could make more sense to do more work with the overarching GeneratorSystem class.

Brackeys Tutorials: Terrain Generation and Vertex Colors (Cont.)

September 12, 2019

Graphics Tutorials

Mesh Generation/Alteration and Vertex Colors

Youtube – MESH GENERATION in Unity – Basics

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

Youtube – PROCEDURAL TERRAIN in Unity! – Mesh Generation

Tutorial #2

By: Brackeys

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #3

By: Brackeys

Tutorial #3

Tutorial #3 actually covers UVs and applying textures to surfaces, as well as vertex colors and shaders in Unity. It starts by covering UVs and applying textures, and the main take away is that you want to normalize your UV vectors so they are within the range of [0, 1]. Textures are applied in a normalized fashion when dealing with UVs.

It then gets into setting the vertex colors. This is done by creating a Color array and then simply setting the Mesh.colors of the mesh equal to that array. We created a colors array that was the same size as our vertices, which leads me to believe that a mesh colors array generally has the same number of indices as vertices.

To set the colors, the underlying concept is that the color should correspond to the height of a vertex. This requires some more normalization, which requires us to keep track of the minimum and maximum terrain heights, so that we can use these as our bounds for a [0, 1] range. This is important because we are coloring with a Gradient. Unity has a method that goes with Color and Gradient called Gradient.Evaluate(), which can take in a value between [0, 1] and assign a color based on the given gradient (0 being one end of the color gradient, 1 being the other, and numbers in between being the middle colors or blends).

Once we’ve created the Color array and applied it to our mesh, it does not yet display. This is because most general Unity shaders don’t show this effect. To resolve this, they used Unity’s shader graph to apply the vertex colors to the surface’s actual colors. Using this requires the installation of the Lightweight Render Pipeline and the Shader Graph. You had to create a Lightweight Render Pipeline Asset and drag that into the Graphics section of your Project Settings for reasons that are not explained. You then create a shader with the option of “PBR Graph” to make your shader using the visual node system of the Shader graph. Once there, we just simply added a Vertex Color node and dragged that into the Albedo value of our material to apply the vertex colors.

Example Generated Terrain with Vertex Colors – by me


I wanted to experiment a bit more with this to see how applying it to some existing meshes could possibly work. I started simple by just using a basic Unity cube. I made a quick script for it that just grabbed a reference to its mesh and went through its entire mesh.vertices array to check exactly how many there were, and there were 24 as I expected {the 8 corners each have 3 vertices, dealing with the 3 different normals of the 3 intersecting faces). I then just made a few public Color options that could be fed into a small 3 color array that would be distributed to vertices around the cube. I applied my material with the created shader, and sure enough, this created the various vertex color effects around my cube.

Here is the script breakdown for this small test: public class CubeVertexColor : MonoBehaviour
Mesh mesh;
int vertexCounter = 0;

public Color color1;
public Color color2;
public Color color3;

private Color[] colorArray;
private Color[] vertexColors;

private void Start()
mesh = GetComponent().mesh;

colorArray = new Color[] { color1, color2, color3 };
vertexColors = new Color[24];

for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
vertexColors[i] = colorArray[i % 3];
Debug.Log(“The name of this vertex is: ” + mesh.vertices[i]);
vertexCounter = i + 1;

mesh.colors = vertexColors;

Debug.Log($”There are {vertexCounter} vertices in the cube mesh.”);

Example Cube with Vertex Colors – by me


I would still like to look into an actual shader script that is able to give similar results for vertex colors. I have gathered some resources today that I will most likely make a post with. I was hoping this could be a helpful tool for creating objects within Unity, but it still seems like it will be easier to make them outside and apply the vertex colors with another software. This will still be helpful in actually displaying those colors though if that is the route I take.

HFFWS – Further Testing Modifying Prefabs Before Instantiation

September 12, 2019

HFFWS Prefab Editing and Instantiation



  • How does altering prefab directly affect process of creating multiple instances?
  • Can altering prefab help set the axis of moving platform?
Can altering prefab help set the axis of moving platform?

Yes, this approach worked. Setting the axis rotation on the prefab directly, THEN instantiating instances of the prefab had the platforms move in the newly set direction.

How does altering prefab directly affect process of creating multiple instances?

This does not appear to have any effect on previously instantiated instances of the prefab. Once an instance is created, changing the parameters of the prefab was NOT changing those parameters for the already instantiated. This gives more support to using this approach


These tests do give this approach more support in being the one to use for now, since it does seem to accomplish all of the goals necessary at this time. It still makes me nervous that the prefab itself gets changed in the editor everytime play is run, and it can impact editor-set prefab instances, so I will continue to check in on different methods for instantiating objects as I move forward.

Brackeys Tutorials: Terrain Generation and Vertex Colors

September 11, 2019

Graphics Tutorials

Mesh Generation/Alteration and Vertex Colors

Youtube – MESH GENERATION in Unity – Basics

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

Youtube – PROCEDURAL TERRAIN in Unity! – Mesh Generation

Tutorial #2

By: Brackeys

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #3

By: Brackeys

Tutorial #1

This tutorial just covers the basics of creating meshes in Unity. This covers the basics of vertices and tris in Unity, as well as the back-face culling done. This just means when creating tris for the triangle array that they must be input in a clockwise manner to display in the proper direction.

Tutorial #2

This tutorial gets into using the basics of Tutorial #1 to create an entire terrain. This process simply starts by creating a grid of a bunch of vertices, filling them in with tris, and then modifying the positions of some of those vertices.

This started with a process I have used before in mesh generation, where you use several for loops to generate all the vertices in an array of some given size, then fill the gaps between those vertices with tris using more for loops and some basic math. They did add a nice twist where they made the CreateShape method into a coroutine, so we could use WaitForSeconds and see the mesh be filled out. While this was done for a neat aesthetic purpose, this could possibly help in debugging meshes to see where the tris start to be created incorrectly.

The very simple for loop setup for going through all the vertices and filling in the tris did have one flaw that was addressed in the tutorial. When going from the end of a row to the next row, we were creating an extra tri which extended from the end of the row all the way back to the beginning of the next row. Weird errors like this have gotten me before in mesh generation, so I just wanted to point it out.

The setup in this tutorial did the whole quad for each vert, so basically each point was given its own square to cover as we went through the for loops. To avoid the issue of creating extra tris between rows, they simply “skipped” the final vert in each row by adding 1 to the vert index an extra time once a row was completed.

Example of tri generation snippet: for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) { triangles[tris + 0] = vert + 0; triangles[tris + 1] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 2] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 3] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 4] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 5] = vert + xSize + 2; vert++; tris += 6; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } vert++; // This is the extra vert index added to ensure proper transition from one row to next }

Finally, to make it seem more like the terrain we wanted, we added some noise to the y position of our verts when creating them. Perlin noise was the choice used in the tutorial. Perlin noise is Unity takes in two coordinate parameters, then outputs a noise value between 0 and 1. You can further multiply this by another factor to create more significant noise effects.

There was an interesting issue with using perlin noise. They multiplied the input parameters by 0.3f, which looked very arbitrary. They mentioned that there was a reason for this covered in another video on perlin noise so I checked that and apparently perlin noise repeats on whole numbers. Since we were fedding in parameters based on our vertex indices, these were all whole numbers. Sure enough, when I removed the 0.3f multiplier, the entire terrain was flat again. Something about being “not whole numbers” allows the noise to work.

Tutorial #3

I logged this tutorial earlier, and just wanted to include it here since it went with the other tutorials. I’ll be looking to use this as my Next Step for this post, and hopefully get some more vertex color tutorials to go along with it. I would like to look into some more shader code focused ones if I can since it should be pretty straight forward/simple shader language to get some more practice.


Do Tutorial #3 and find more vertex color tutorials (preferably with focus on using shader language).

General Graphics in Unity – Vertex Colors, Shaders, Meshes, UVs

September 11, 2019

General Graphics Information

Meshes, Shaders, Vertices, UVs

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #1

Youtube – Learning Shaders in Unity – Everything about Meshes in under 5 Minutes

Info #1

Youtube – Pico Tanks: Vertex shader in Unity

Info #2

Tutorial #1

I was interested at looking into using vertex colors for objects, which led me to a few interesting videos on various aspects of 3D modeling in general. Tutorial #1 was a nice example of using vertex colors in Unity, as well as giving me a simple tutorial to look into on mesh deformation as well. It uses Unity’s shader graph to apply vertex colors, and just simply sets colors with a gradient onto the vertices themselves based on their height (y position).

Info #1

Info #1 was a very brief but general overview of topics on meshes.

  • UVs: It explained how UVs are used to map textures onto faces of objects, which was the biggest topic I had not really covered up to this point. UVs also belong directly to a vertex.
  • Vertices: It also went into how their can be more vertices on an object than you’d expect (since they have a normal that goes with individual faces).

This video was specifically aimed at Unity, so some of the information was most likely Unity specific. For instance, the fact that the Mesh class contains Vertices, Normals, UVs, Tangents, Triangles, and Colors. It finally got into vertex colors at the end, which also showed an example of it being used that just made a very cool colored cube I thought.

From: Info #1

Info #2

Finally, Info #2 was just a very quick video of a game project showcasing their use of vertex shaders to actually move trees in their environment when objects are moving through them. Moving objects affect the colors of an underlying texture map, which use this “color information” to apply affects, such as rotating the trees.

HFFWS – Instantiating Conveyor Belt

September 10, 2019

Human Fall Flat Workshop

Conveyor Instantiation

Today we are finally going to try setting the parameters of a conveyor object on instantiation and seeing which we can and cannot, and trying to fix as many that we cannot as possible. We will also use this as a comparison point for the vertical moving platform generator to start designing the foundation of a tool that can instantiate many different types of objects. At the very least, it could potentially lead to the start of an interface or an abstract class that can be used as the base for classes that instantiate objects.

Parameters to Set on Instantiation

  • Item Prefab
  • Segment Count
  • Length
  • Radius
  • Speed


Test #1:

ISSUE: Want to properly set some conveyor prefab parameters on instantiation.

Using a similar start to creating the platform prefabs, my first attempt to instantiate these conveyors began with instantiating the conveyor prefab and casting that as a gameObject. As most of the parameters are found in the Conveyor script in one of the children objects of this prefab, I simply created a Conveyor variable reference that used a GetComponent. I then set all the parameters of this conveyor reference with public variables available in the inspector: segmentCount, lenght, radius, speed.

FAILED: The script was returning an error as soon as it tried to set the first parameter (segment count). This made me think that maybe just using GetComponent to get the Conveyor reference was not working. I thought GetComponent looked through children objects if it didn’t find anything in the initial object, but that may not be the case.

Test #2:

ISSUE: Get prefab reference to actually set conveyor parameters on instantion.

I am changing the GetComponent to GetComponentInChildren to see if specifying that initially helps properly grab the Conveyor reference I need. I am also adding a debug.log to check the name of the reference I am getting in hopes that this will help me check what it is getting (if anything).

SOLUTION: This did fix the problem of getting the reference and actually setting the values, however, this was not creating a conveyor with the proper initialized conditions. The values were being set, but the parameters that need to be set at instantiation to work (like Lenght and Segment Count) were not being received in time.

Test #3:

ISSUE: Parameters being set, but instantiated prefab is not using those set parameters. It is using the default prefab values.

With some very quick checking, I decided to look into issues with changing prefabs and instantiating them and it very simply led me to find that I can just change the prefab parameters itself before instantiating an object. This seemed like a very obvious solution that I hadn’t tried yet apparently, so I simply did just that: I simply had my Conveyor reference variable grab that of the input prefab itself, set all the parameters, and then just instantiate that prefab (without the casting to gameObject addition).

SOLUTION: This immediately worked. The length, radius, and segment count were all set to the inspector values and actually reflected in the instantiated conveyor. It should be noted however that this effect of altering the prefab carries over into the editor AFTER EXITING PLAY MODE.

Images of Prefab Default versus Parameter Altered Instantiation (Conveyor)

Conveyor – Default Prefab
Conveyor – Parameter Set Instantiation


It is very important to note the final effect of editing and instantiating prefabs this way. You are directly modifying the prefab itself, which can have some undesirable effects. At one point, I had an example conveyor in the scene to compare with, and it took on the same parameters of my conveyor spawner after running, ending, and running again, since it must have been using a default prefab reference of some kind. That prefab itself had its values changed (which again, carries over into the editor even when LEAVING PLAY MODE), and my other scene reference to that prefab just took them on as normal prefab changes.

To further test this, I edited the values in the existing prefab instance in the scene slightly, and further play tests did NOT reset this existing prefab reference. I played, closed, played again, and it stayed with the same set values. So it appears any alterations are making it into its own object, where as if you simply drag/drop in a prefab, altering the prefab this way can change how those objects will start up in the future.

Further testing showed that any values directly set to the existing prefab reference in the scene will always stay that set value, but running the game will still cause other parameters that haven’t been altered to change to those dictated by the script. This impact can “lag a play behind” as well. For example, I set the segment count in the existing prefab object to a different value, so playing kept all the parameters the same (even those I had not altered), however, upon playing a second time, those other parameters WERE altered to the values dictated by the script (where the editor set parameter still remained as it was set).

Video of Issue

Vimeo – Video Link

By: Me

The two main ways around using the system this way that I can see are:

  • 1: Always setting the parameters of existing prefabs in the editor that will be affected by scripts
  • 2: Create two seperate prefabs: One for using pre-made instances in the editor and one that can be taken by a random spawner and altered

All of this shows that editing the prefab before instantiation may not be the best solution, and it may be worth looking into other techniques if available.


I want to randomly instantiate a few conveyors to make sure the system of setting up random ranges for values works just as well with this as it did for the moving platforms. I would also like to experiment with replacing the meshes with various other mesh objects (for example, instantiating the conveyor segments randomly from a predetermined list of mesh options).

Hex Based 4X Game Tutorial

September 9, 2019

Unity 4X Game Tutorial

Part Based

Mostly Civilized: A Hex-Based 4x Game Engine for Unity – Part 1

Youtube – Link

By: quill18creates

I was looking to add another Unity game genre tutorial that I could follow along with, and happened to come across one for a fairly complex genre I enjoy so this seemed like a nice more advanced tutorial program to go through. I have checked out some of quill18creates content before and it usually serves as some good practice for more advanced topics, while also helping teach you some fundamentals about optimization and general project architecture.

This immediately caught my attention with the hex tile map math shown at the beginning of the video. There they show how to use various coordinate systems, such as cube coordinates, in a hex tile system in a very efficient and sensible way. The link to this information can be found here:

Hexagonal Grids from Red Blob Games

Red Blob Games – Link

Unity – Accessing All Children Objects Throughout Entire Various Sized Hierarchies

September 4, 2019

Accessing Full Gameobject Hierarchy


StackOverflow – Get All children, children of children in Unity3d

Link #1

Unity Answers – Find children of object and store in an array

Link #2

For a project we were looking into applying a material color change to some more complex Unity objects/models which are made up of many children objects with many materials. To do this, I needed a way to be able to grab all the materials all throughout a gameobject’s hierarchy and change them simultaneously. This led me to think of a recursive approach, and sure enough there was already one explored that I could reference online in Link #1.

Link #1 also showed me a useful feature that I did not know about Unity. You can use a foreach loop on a transform and it will go through all of the children transforms automatically. This helped make the recursive solution much easier to read, and is just a good feature to know about in the future.

Highlighting a Selected 3D Object in Unity

September 3, 2019

Highlight and Selection

Materials and Color Change


Unity – Color.Lerp

By: Unity

Unity – Mathf.PingPong

By: Unity

Youtube – Mini Unity Tutorial – How To Select And Highlight Objects In Game Realtime With C#

Tutorial #1

By: Jimmy Vegas

Youtube – Color.Lerp Unity Once using Coroutines | No Update Function Beginner Tutorial

Tutorial #2

By: iUnity3Dtutorials

Unity Answers – Change color to multiple Materials in one gameObject?

By: Unity (lachesis)

I wanted to create a generic object highlight/selection feature for a project, so I turned to a method I found searching for highligting techniques online where you just change the material color of the currently selected object over time. This is a very simple (conceptually) and often used feature for showing a user what object is currently in focus. It would turn out that it’s a bit more complicated when you are working with models that have many different materials on separate children objects throughout them.

I started with the “Mini Unity Tutorial – How To Select And Highlight Objects In Game Realtime With C#” tutorial as the basis for this system. This was a good inspiration point, but not much more than that. Our project immediately had several major differences so the setup was quite a bit different. To start, we already had a reference to the Interface of the object to highlight, so we wanted to work with this same setup to determine which object is being selected. Our objects are also much more detailed models which are made up of many individual gameobjects which can have several materials each themselves.

Using this as a base, I decided I would setup a basic system that would change the color of an object from its original color to pure white, and then back to its original color. This would then loop until the object was deselected. Conceptually, this is exactly like the tutorial referenced above, but implementing it would take a lot more steps with our current setup.

Casting Interface as Monobehaviour for Gameobject Reference

I first looked into how to reference a gameobject with an existing reference to one of its used interfaces. I found that as long as the script implementing the interface inherits from Monobehaviour on some level, you can cast that interface reference as a Monobehaviour. You can then use this Monobehaviour reference to access that specific gameobject. I could then use this gameobject reference to access the Renderer component to alter the material color.

Looping Color Change for a Single Material

To test the base line of this feature, I wanted to get it working on one object with a single material. I did not like the way Tutorial #1 approached this, so I looked into some other ways to alter the color of a material and came across a Lerp interpretation. I have used Lerp a lot for positional systems, but I had not thought to use it with color, so this seemed perfect. This also makes it very easy to set a final color for the selected object to turn to which can be changed in the design process.

The standard Unity documentation for Lerp with Color also showed me a new Mathf method, which was PingPong. This lets you take a value and constrain it to a specific range between 0 and [length], where [length] is another input parameter. Once that value goes past the input [length], it begins to come back to 0 (as opposed to continuing to increase past [length]). This creates the “ping pong” effect where the input value goes back and forth between 0 and the given length. This works perfectly when lerping back and forth between two colors with an overall range of 0 to 1, where 0 is completely the first color and 1 is completely the second color.

Here is Unity’s basic color Lerp example:
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
Color lerpedColor = Color.white;

void Update()
lerpedColor = Color.Lerp(Color.white, Color.black, Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, 1));

Accessing Multiple Materials on a Single Gameobject

So now that I could change the color of a single material, I found that I would actually need to change the color of many materials at once, given the types of models we were working with. I have normally used Renderer.material in Unity to grab the single material on an object, but I found that there is also Renderer.materials, which returns all the instantiated materials of a single object in a single Material array. This is what I would need to get started on accessing all the materials I needed to control.

Since there are many children objects within these models, which can each have several materials of their own, I figured I would need to create some conglomerated Material array that could take on all of the materials while going through a large loop. This loop would need to be able to go through all of the children objects, and grab all the materials from each of those objects as it went through. Then finally, once all of the material references were obtained, we could Lerp all of the materials within this single combined array. Theoretically, it should give the intended result of becoming all white even with all of these materials because they should all be lerping with the same time input and the same final material color.


  • Try Color.Lerp for changing an object’s color
  • Use Mathf.PingPong to have a value go back and forth within a range of 0 to some value
  • Renderer.Materials returns a Material array of all the materials on an object
  • An interface can be cast as a MonoBehaviour to access its gameobject if the interface inherits from MonoBehaviour
  • Complex models can use many different materials, so some basic Unity material techniques can be much more complicated to apply in these cases