Course on HLSL – Shader Fundamentals

September 26, 2019

Intro to HLSL Shaders

Shader Tutorials

80 lv – Series on HLSL Shader Fundamentals



Introduction – HLSL Shader Creation 1 – HLSL Shader Fundamentals

Tutorials – Youtube List

By: Ben Cloward

The first link leads to the following youtube video list that contains the full course on HLSL shader fundamentals. This may be exactly what I was looking for (although apparently the course was first published in 2007, so some of the information is a bit dated). Regardless of age, this is supposed to be a very good run down of HLSL and shaders in general. This will help my search for understanding the basics of shader language while I continue to learn about Unity’s shader graphs separately.

AI State Machine Tutorials: Tutorial #2

September 25, 2019

Tutorial #2

From Blog Post: Unity Basic AI State Machine Tutorials

Youtube – Unity 3D – Make a Basic AI State Machine

Tutorial #2

By: Joey The Lantern

General Structure

There is a general state machine class, a class for each individual state, and then the class for whatever will be using these states. This format is very similar to the first AI state machine tutorial I followed by UnityCollege3D.

State Machine

They created a new namespace, StateStuff. This was because they did not want anything to be a monobehaviour. This namespace then holds the StateMachine class as well as a public abstract class State. They mention that could be used in place of to allow you to specify what types can use this class, but they went with because it’s more ambiguous and works with more things. This is something I will need to look into, but I am guessing at this point T just means any type. So basically anything can use the StateMachine.

The state machine class was given two variables, State currentState and T Owner. These are both set in a constructor for StateMachine. Owner is what will be using the state machine, and currentState is obviously what state it is currently in.

State Class (within StateMachine script)

There were several abstract methods created for this class. These were: EnterState, ExitState, and UpdateState. EnterState allows you to perform actions immediately upon entering a new state, ExitState performs actions necessary when leaving a state for another, and UpdateState performs the various update actions for that state on that object.


This class inherits the State class in the StateStuff namespace. The State here takes in an AI reference (again, I need to look into this more to see what this is actually doing). I see what this is doing better after implementing the abstract class. The type that is passed into State is then the type required by all of the methods that take in a parameter of type T. So since we declared State, now all of the methods require an input of AI _owner (translated from T _owner).

Their general idea is that there is only one instance of each independent state class, and every object that wants to use this state will just reference this same single instance. Following that, they use a bit more of an involved singleton-looking pattern to create this. The setup is the following:
public class FirstState : State
private static FirstState _instance;

private FirstState()
if (_instance != null)

_instance = this;

public static FirstState Instance
if(_instance == null)
new FirstState();

return _instance;

The second state is exactly the same as the first, it just changes some of the text around so that it matches the new class name.

AI Class

This class represents the main script that would be running on your object that you would like to be using AI. To show the state machine working with it, it simply has a timer in the Update method that changes a bool.


There is one StateMachine instance and one instance of each individual state class. Each state has an UpdateState method, which generally corresponds with what an object in that state should be doing with an Update method. This is actually called through the StateMachine’s Update method though for every object.

The class which you want to use with the StateMachine and various States (AI in this example) must first reference the StateMachine and pass itself in as a paramter. Then it just needs to make sure to call stateMachine.Update within its own Update method. This is what allows everything to communicate what an object using this state machine should actually do in that state.

Finally, each individual state class is responsible for determing when to change to a new state, and what that new state should be. This is however performed by using the ChangeState method found within the StateMachine class. This method is responsible for calling the ExitState method from the old class, and the EnterState method from the new class.


This setup uses a single instance of a state machine and a single instance for each state, which can be a nice avenue to take since it can really keep things scaled down that way. It also seems nice that the classes simply using this StateMachine setup mostly just need to call the StateMachine’s Update method to really interact with it. It helps keeps them from getting messy with state machine code. It does seem like it could be a bit tricky making sure the individual states themselves have proper references to check within the AI classes to figure out when they should change states with this approach.

AI State Machine Tutorials: Tutorial #3

September 25, 2019

Tutorial #3

From Blog Post: Unity Basic AI State Machine Tutorials


Tutorial #3

By: Blackthornprod


This tutorial actually dealt with using the Unity Animator to create a sort of state machine setup. You can add behaviours to animation states, which are already setup in a very similar way to the last AI State Machine tutorial I did from Joey the Lantern (Tutorial #2 in this recent tutorial list).

These behaviours already have methods such as OnStateEnter, OnStateExit and OnStateUpdate (as well as several other more animation focused methods). This tutorial uses these to setup the logic for their state machine.

While this seems nice for getting something running very quickly, especially from an animation focused perspective, I think I would rather use the setups from the other tutorials that start more from scratch and allow you to develop the full system yourself. I would much rather follow Tutorial #1 and Tutorial #2 than this one.

Unity AI with Basic State Machine

September 24, 2019

Basic State Machine Setup

Unity Tutorial

Youtube – Unity3D AI with State Machine (FSM), Drones, and Lasers!

Tutorial #1

By: Unity3d College

Tutorial #1

This tutorial goes over a “good” version and a “bad” version of setting up state machines. The bad version will work, and is ok for very small scale projects and objects, but it does lack scalability and has some poor design choices going on.

The real state machine covered in this tutorial is not a monobehaviour, but is still able to access components of objects. This was a point they wanted to make sure they covered with the laser object reference.

To start going over the state machine, they go through the Drone class and its variables. Target is a public Transform but has a private setter. The Team variable Team uses an expression body property to allow the setting of team from the inspector without letting anything else change it.

The next class they go over is the StateMachine class. This starts with a dictionary that contains all of the possible states. It takes in a Type and a BaseState value. The Type is just type of the state class, and the BaseState is a new object of that specific state.

The Update method of StateMachine first checks if there’s a current state. If there is none, it sets a default state. It then performs a method called Tick to determine what the next state is (if it is either the same state again, or a new state). It then checks if the nextState is a different state, and if so, switches to the new state.

Each state has had its own class created, each of which inherits from a public abstract class called BaseState. None of these are monobehaviours, but you can still pass in a GameObject object through any state which gets set to a GameObject variable in the BaseState so the states know which object to control. This BaseState also uses protected variables so that classes that inherit from it may use them, without allowing anything else to access them. And finally, BaseState has a public abstract Type Tick method just to make sure every state class has a Tick method (actions to have an object perform in this state).

While checking through the individual state classes, they mentioned the use of nullables. You can add a “?” to the end of a variable declaration to make it nullable. This allows you to set that variable to null when you normally cannot. They like to do this just as a consistent way to help them check if something actually has had a value assigned to it or not.
private Vector3? _destination;

They also setup a GameSettings class to help them change general variables that go along with their state machine. This uses a simple singleton pattern setup like the following example:

public static GameSettings Instance { get; private set; }

private void Awake() {
if (Instance != null}
Instance = this;

Unity Basic AI State Machine Tutorials

September 23, 2019

Basic AI State Machines

Unity Tutorials

Youtube – Unity3D AI with State Machine (FSM), Drones, and Lasers!

Tutorial #1

By: Unity3d College

Youtube – Unity 3D – Make a Basic AI State Machine

Tutorial #2

By: Joey The Lantern


Tutorial #3

By: Blackthornprod

State machine is just a term I have come across when researching and working with AI projects, so I wanted to delve into it a bit more to understand it better. It is my hope that this will be useful as both game design experience as well as general programming experience. These tutorials I grabbed are mostly from well know Unity devolepers that put out generally good learning content, especially when it comes to the programming side.

I am also looking to take a general AI course and do some more advanced AI work in my thesis, so it makese sense to start finding some more interesting or well defined AI systems and learn how they are made. These tutorials are relatively all on the shorter end as well, so should be easy to knock them all out in a single session.

Intro to Unity’s Shader Graph

September 13, 2019

Unity Shader Graph

Intro Tutorial

Youtube – Basics of Shader Graph – Unity Tutorial

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

This tutorial introduces you to Unity’s shader graph, so it starts with the bare minimum and goes over some simple features to get you started. Messing with vertex colors got me back into shaders in Unity, and shader graphs provide a really simple way to get some interesting visual effects when I need a break from trying to figure out shader coding.

I already ran into a lot of snags that kept things from working initially. I missed the step at the beginning of the tutorial where they change the Unity project template to Lightweight RP as they’re creating the project. I was able to get around this by doing what they did in their vertex color tutorial, where I created a Lightweight Renderer Pipeline Asset and dragged that into the Graphics tab of the Project Settings.

I then found out that Unity does not like it when you change the name of a shader. I expected this as a possible issue since scripts need to have some of the coding changed to have the class name match the file name, so this seemed like it could be a similar problem. Since the material/shader still was not working, I simply deleted the shader and made a new one with the proper name and everything was finally displaying as a non-error material.

The general effect they were going for was a glowing effect, so they started with using a Fresnel Effect node in the shader graph. This exactly produces a bit of a glowing effect, with a power value that controls how glowy the material is. We then explored applying colors to node effects like this one. This is done by creating a color node, and multiplying it together with the node you intend to color.

There is an interesting feature in the shader graph that actually lets you open the code and see what it is actually doing behind the scenes. This could be useful for exploring the actual shader code behind the vertex color node I was interested in checking out.

Initially, everything is only controllable within the shader graph, with no way to edit anything directly in the Unity Inspector. You can change this however by right clicking in a node and selecting “Convert to Property”. You can still edit it within the shader graph, but it is now found in the Black Board. This does also show the property in your material so you can have different colored/effected objects using the same base shader graph object.

Finally, they just quickly show that the shader graph can accept and apply textures as well. They just do a simple occlusion example to show this off.

My Final Example Following Tutorial

Vimeo – See Animated Shader

Model: Free Asset from Polygonal Series by Meshtint


The shader graph was a bit finicky for me and had weird issues. Some of the previews within the shader graph did not appear for me. I tried ] changing up the graph and opening/closing the shader but they remained gone. I will have to try making a project with a Lightweight RP template from the initial setup to see if that changes any settings that impact this.

Once I promoted the color node to a property, it was hard to actually control the final color on the actual object. Sometimes I would change the color in the Blackboard and it would be reflected on the object, then sometimes it wouldn’t. Then editing the color within the created property on the material would only sometimes change the color. I have not found exactly when it passes the reference from being editable in the shader graph to when it is editable in the material (to sometimes not editable at all), but reapplying the material did seem to fix these issues sometimes.


More shader graph tutorials would be nice to check out just to get a basic grasp of how to use it to get some nice effects pretty quickly, although I’d still like to look into the coding of shaders as well. I would also be interested in looking how to tie them together, and control some of the parameters of the shader graph through script.

Brackeys Tutorials: Terrain Generation and Vertex Colors (Cont.)

September 12, 2019

Graphics Tutorials

Mesh Generation/Alteration and Vertex Colors

Youtube – MESH GENERATION in Unity – Basics

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

Youtube – PROCEDURAL TERRAIN in Unity! – Mesh Generation

Tutorial #2

By: Brackeys

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #3

By: Brackeys

Tutorial #3

Tutorial #3 actually covers UVs and applying textures to surfaces, as well as vertex colors and shaders in Unity. It starts by covering UVs and applying textures, and the main take away is that you want to normalize your UV vectors so they are within the range of [0, 1]. Textures are applied in a normalized fashion when dealing with UVs.

It then gets into setting the vertex colors. This is done by creating a Color array and then simply setting the Mesh.colors of the mesh equal to that array. We created a colors array that was the same size as our vertices, which leads me to believe that a mesh colors array generally has the same number of indices as vertices.

To set the colors, the underlying concept is that the color should correspond to the height of a vertex. This requires some more normalization, which requires us to keep track of the minimum and maximum terrain heights, so that we can use these as our bounds for a [0, 1] range. This is important because we are coloring with a Gradient. Unity has a method that goes with Color and Gradient called Gradient.Evaluate(), which can take in a value between [0, 1] and assign a color based on the given gradient (0 being one end of the color gradient, 1 being the other, and numbers in between being the middle colors or blends).

Once we’ve created the Color array and applied it to our mesh, it does not yet display. This is because most general Unity shaders don’t show this effect. To resolve this, they used Unity’s shader graph to apply the vertex colors to the surface’s actual colors. Using this requires the installation of the Lightweight Render Pipeline and the Shader Graph. You had to create a Lightweight Render Pipeline Asset and drag that into the Graphics section of your Project Settings for reasons that are not explained. You then create a shader with the option of “PBR Graph” to make your shader using the visual node system of the Shader graph. Once there, we just simply added a Vertex Color node and dragged that into the Albedo value of our material to apply the vertex colors.

Example Generated Terrain with Vertex Colors – by me


I wanted to experiment a bit more with this to see how applying it to some existing meshes could possibly work. I started simple by just using a basic Unity cube. I made a quick script for it that just grabbed a reference to its mesh and went through its entire mesh.vertices array to check exactly how many there were, and there were 24 as I expected {the 8 corners each have 3 vertices, dealing with the 3 different normals of the 3 intersecting faces). I then just made a few public Color options that could be fed into a small 3 color array that would be distributed to vertices around the cube. I applied my material with the created shader, and sure enough, this created the various vertex color effects around my cube.

Here is the script breakdown for this small test: public class CubeVertexColor : MonoBehaviour
Mesh mesh;
int vertexCounter = 0;

public Color color1;
public Color color2;
public Color color3;

private Color[] colorArray;
private Color[] vertexColors;

private void Start()
mesh = GetComponent().mesh;

colorArray = new Color[] { color1, color2, color3 };
vertexColors = new Color[24];

for(int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++)
vertexColors[i] = colorArray[i % 3];
Debug.Log(“The name of this vertex is: ” + mesh.vertices[i]);
vertexCounter = i + 1;

mesh.colors = vertexColors;

Debug.Log($”There are {vertexCounter} vertices in the cube mesh.”);

Example Cube with Vertex Colors – by me


I would still like to look into an actual shader script that is able to give similar results for vertex colors. I have gathered some resources today that I will most likely make a post with. I was hoping this could be a helpful tool for creating objects within Unity, but it still seems like it will be easier to make them outside and apply the vertex colors with another software. This will still be helpful in actually displaying those colors though if that is the route I take.

Brackeys Tutorials: Terrain Generation and Vertex Colors

September 11, 2019

Graphics Tutorials

Mesh Generation/Alteration and Vertex Colors

Youtube – MESH GENERATION in Unity – Basics

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

Youtube – PROCEDURAL TERRAIN in Unity! – Mesh Generation

Tutorial #2

By: Brackeys

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #3

By: Brackeys

Tutorial #1

This tutorial just covers the basics of creating meshes in Unity. This covers the basics of vertices and tris in Unity, as well as the back-face culling done. This just means when creating tris for the triangle array that they must be input in a clockwise manner to display in the proper direction.

Tutorial #2

This tutorial gets into using the basics of Tutorial #1 to create an entire terrain. This process simply starts by creating a grid of a bunch of vertices, filling them in with tris, and then modifying the positions of some of those vertices.

This started with a process I have used before in mesh generation, where you use several for loops to generate all the vertices in an array of some given size, then fill the gaps between those vertices with tris using more for loops and some basic math. They did add a nice twist where they made the CreateShape method into a coroutine, so we could use WaitForSeconds and see the mesh be filled out. While this was done for a neat aesthetic purpose, this could possibly help in debugging meshes to see where the tris start to be created incorrectly.

The very simple for loop setup for going through all the vertices and filling in the tris did have one flaw that was addressed in the tutorial. When going from the end of a row to the next row, we were creating an extra tri which extended from the end of the row all the way back to the beginning of the next row. Weird errors like this have gotten me before in mesh generation, so I just wanted to point it out.

The setup in this tutorial did the whole quad for each vert, so basically each point was given its own square to cover as we went through the for loops. To avoid the issue of creating extra tris between rows, they simply “skipped” the final vert in each row by adding 1 to the vert index an extra time once a row was completed.

Example of tri generation snippet: for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) { triangles[tris + 0] = vert + 0; triangles[tris + 1] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 2] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 3] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 4] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 5] = vert + xSize + 2; vert++; tris += 6; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } vert++; // This is the extra vert index added to ensure proper transition from one row to next }

Finally, to make it seem more like the terrain we wanted, we added some noise to the y position of our verts when creating them. Perlin noise was the choice used in the tutorial. Perlin noise is Unity takes in two coordinate parameters, then outputs a noise value between 0 and 1. You can further multiply this by another factor to create more significant noise effects.

There was an interesting issue with using perlin noise. They multiplied the input parameters by 0.3f, which looked very arbitrary. They mentioned that there was a reason for this covered in another video on perlin noise so I checked that and apparently perlin noise repeats on whole numbers. Since we were fedding in parameters based on our vertex indices, these were all whole numbers. Sure enough, when I removed the 0.3f multiplier, the entire terrain was flat again. Something about being “not whole numbers” allows the noise to work.

Tutorial #3

I logged this tutorial earlier, and just wanted to include it here since it went with the other tutorials. I’ll be looking to use this as my Next Step for this post, and hopefully get some more vertex color tutorials to go along with it. I would like to look into some more shader code focused ones if I can since it should be pretty straight forward/simple shader language to get some more practice.


Do Tutorial #3 and find more vertex color tutorials (preferably with focus on using shader language).

Hex Based 4X Game Tutorial

September 9, 2019

Unity 4X Game Tutorial

Part Based

Mostly Civilized: A Hex-Based 4x Game Engine for Unity – Part 1

Youtube – Link

By: quill18creates

I was looking to add another Unity game genre tutorial that I could follow along with, and happened to come across one for a fairly complex genre I enjoy so this seemed like a nice more advanced tutorial program to go through. I have checked out some of quill18creates content before and it usually serves as some good practice for more advanced topics, while also helping teach you some fundamentals about optimization and general project architecture.

This immediately caught my attention with the hex tile map math shown at the beginning of the video. There they show how to use various coordinate systems, such as cube coordinates, in a hex tile system in a very efficient and sensible way. The link to this information can be found here:

Hexagonal Grids from Red Blob Games

Red Blob Games – Link

Object Pooling in Unity

August 24, 2019

Object Pooling


Youtube – Unity3D Object Pooling – How to use them & why you should

By: Unity3d College

This tutorial just seemed like a really useful concept so I wanted to make sure to note it down. Destroying lots of objects in Unity can lead to a lot of garbage collection, so you can use this concept of object pooling to help minimize this or remove it significantly.

The example used has a lot of objects that are spawning and then being destroyed. This can lead to lots of garbage collection because the newly unused memory needs to be accounted for in some way at some point. Object pooling helps get around this by not destroying the objects. You simply deactivate them, and then add them into a pool of deactivated objects. When you need to spawn another one, you just grab one of these deactivated objects and reactivate them instead.

It’s a very useful concept that is pretty easy to implement. It will have the most impact when you are creating and destroying a decently high amount of objects, so keep an eye out for that as a time to use this methodology.