Tower Defense Tutorial – Brackeys – Ep. 24

March 4, 2019

Tower Defense Tutorial

Episode 24 – Fading

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E24 FADING) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys
Ep. 24

This tutorial focuses on creating an overall fading effect for the game.

We created an empty gameObject, SceneFader, and added a UI Canvas to that, which we then added a UI image to that is just a black image.

Then we added a SceneFader script to our SceneFader object to handle the fade effects. We used IEnumerators to handle the fading methods. We used the IEnumerator for its ability to wait certain amounts of time. The IEnumerator FadeIn uses a yield return 0; line in its while loop so that it updates at the same rate as update (every frame). Yield return 0 basically tells it to wait a frame.

We created a variable of type AnimationCurve, which gives us access to a curve we can manipulate by changing its shape or adding/removing points to control how a value fluctuates. We used this to control the FadeIn IEnumerator. We then duplicated this IEnumerator to create a FadeOut version as well (just swapped the values in the while loop to run the other way to make the rest of the code consistent). FadeOut was then added to a public method, FadeTo. The both receive a string variable that corresponds to the scene name of what scene they should be fading to.

We then just went to all of the scripts/menus where we move between scenes and added this FadeTo call from the SceneFader. This included the pause menu, game over menu, and main menu. This also included making sure to drag our SceneFader into the reference for all of these scripts since they did not want to use FindGameobjectOfType for computer processing reasons.

My thoughts on why an IEnumerator was used here is that they seem to be good with dealing with something you want to happen over time, and they can run while other actions are running/processing. Since we just wanted a fade effect, it’s helpful to let everything else continue to run as opposed to interrupting something to finish this effect. The time element basically lets us have a pseudo”Update” method that only runs for a certain amount of time and then never needs to check again.


  • If you want a UI element to cover everything (including other UI elements) make sure to check the Sorting Order
  • I still need to look into IEnumerators to get a better grasp on their specific uses

Tower Defense Tutorial – Brackeys – Ep. 23

March 2, 2019

Tower Defense Tutorial

Episode 23 – Enemy Health Bars

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E23 HEALTH BARS) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys
Ep. 23

In this tutorial we created health bars for the enemies.

We began by creating the foundation for the UI asset. We created a new World Space canvas, added a child UI Image object as our health background, then childed a UI image to that that would be our actual health bar. The BG was given a transparent black color, while the health bar was a fully opaque light green.

We then childed this full group of UI assets to our Enemy prefab. The position needed fixed when this was applied, and the scaling reset so I had to reset that manually as well. This created a health bar that would follow our enemies now. We would need a bit of a tracking script if our enemies rotated (so the health bar would not), but currently the enemies don’t rotate at all so this is not necessary.

To make our health bar actually do something, we started by dragging in a white square image to the source image of the health bar UI image, which was created for the tutorial. It was just a simple 2 x 2 white square. We then changed the Image Type to Filled, and selected the Fill Method “Horizontal”. This allows us to control how much of the image is “filled” horizontally, between 0 and 1 (0 – 100%). This has a very similar effect to what I usually script for health bars which is just a scale multiplier between 1 and 0 tied to the x scale of an object with the anchor point located all the way on the left/right. Either way, this still needs to be tied into health scripts.

Our fill amount for this health bar image needs to be between 0 and 1, so we need to represent our current enemy health as some fraction of our enemy max health. This is easy enough to do by simply holding a value for the max health and dividing the current health by the max health.



I found a bug where some of the turrets I was placing could not be upgraded. They were base turrets but when I selected them it already said they were “Maxed Out” and I could not upgrade them. It was only a select few turrets, and I realized they were in locations where I had an upgraded turret previously and sold it to make room for a new turret.

I believe this bug is simply caused by the fact that the state of upgraded is tied to the node location, so when we upgrade and then sell, the upgrade state is not being reset. That should be a simple fix of resetting the upgrade state when the Sell method is invoked.


This appeared to be the case as the bug hasn’t come back since I simply added a line to set the isUpgraded bool to false in the Sell method of the Node script.


  • Another way to create health bars: under the Image (script) component; select image type Filled, and choose Fill Method “Horizontal”

Tower Defense Tutorial – Brackeys – Ep. 22

March 1, 2019

Tower Defense Tutorial

Episode 22 – Main Menu

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E22 MAIN MENU) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys
Ep. 22

In this tutorial we created the Main Menu scene for the game.

We duplicated the original game scene to start, and deleted out everything except the Light, Main Camera, and Environment. Then we only kept the Ground Plane from the environment. We then added a Standard Turret Prefab to be a central object for our menu.

We then edited the sky box to something other than the Unity default. We selected Solid Color for it, and used the color picker to pick the top most color of our ground plane so the sky matched this very final gradient of color. This made it seem like the background was one solid, endless color gradient for the most part.

We then created a World Space canvas with text fitted to it for our PLAY text. We placed this on top of the turret prefab in our menu. We then wanted to make this text clickable, so we just added a Button (script) component. This basically turned the text into a button for us. We could even add our previous animation by simply adding an Animator component and selected our Button Controller for the Controller.

We then created the MainMenu script which will hold the main functionality of this scene. This started by creating public Play and Quit methods for our Play Button and Quit Button. Quit was just Application.Quit, and Play loaded our MainLevel scene.

Finally, we added a bit of animation to our Main Menu to utilize the fact it is set in a 3D environment. We added the two button canvases as children to the PartToRotate object of the turret, and created a quick animation for that that just rotated the entire turret and UI element back and forth a bit over time. This really made the menu feel alive and 3D.


  • To set current editor view as camera view: select camera and press: Ctrl + Shift + F
  • Set skybox to solid color and use color picker to select farthest/top most color of ground plane for a quick/easy way to make ground and sky look like one coherent background
  • When referencing scene names, make a string and set its value to that scene name so if at any point you want to change the scene name, you just change that string variable’s value and it will fix it in all locations needed

Tower Defense Tutorial – Brackeys – Ep. 21

February 28, 2019

Tower Defense Tutorial

Episode 21 – Pause Menu

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E21 PAUSE MENU) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys
Ep. 21

This tutorial focused on creating the Pause Menu.

To start, we create another UI Panel as the base for the pause menu, and added buttons for: Continue, Retry and Menu. This also had text saying “Paused”.

We created a new script on our Game Manager, PauseMenu. This would deal with the functionality of activating/deactivating our pause menu UI elements. This was done with a method called Toggle, which used a command of ui.SetActive(!ui.activeSelf) which would set whether it was enabled or not to the opposite of what it currently is.

We then got to actually pausing the game. This can be done by simply setting Time.timeScale = 0f. It is commonly mistaken that you also need to set Time.fixedDeltaTime to 0 as well, but this is actually taken care of by Time.timeScale already. We also need to unpause, so we set Time.timeScale back to 1f when that is needed.

It is important to note that while Time.timeScale is at 0, this does prevent some things from working. The hover color of UI buttons was still fine as it is not affected by the timescale, but animations you are running with the Animator will be. They need a specific setting changed in order to function properly. This was shown by trying to fade in our pause menu. Initially, we created a simple recorded animation of changing the alpha from 0 to 1, but when we ran it in game it did not appear. That is because the animation was frozen with the timeScale.

To prevent the animation from being affected by our timescale variation, we change the “Update Mode” in the Animator component of the object we are animating from Normal to Unscaled Time.

Then, we also wanted to animate the buttons some (instead of just having a simple highlight color). To start, we went to the Button (script) component and changed the Transition to Animation. We then selected AutoGenerate Animation. This gave us 4 options in the Animation tab for: Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, Disabled. These are the 4 states of the button. These let you set an animation to start whenever these separate events occur.


  • Use [gameObject].SetActive(![gameObject].activeSelf) to inverse the current enabled state of a gameObject
  • Use Time.timeScale = 0f; to do a simple pause of your game. This should also set Time.fixedDeltaTime to 0f behind the scenes so you do not need to set this as well. (To unpause, set Time.timeScale back to 1f.)
  • If you want to animate objects during timescale = 0 (like pause menu animations), make sure to change their Animator component Update Modes from Normal to Unscaled Time.
  • To animate UI buttons, select Animation for Transition under the Button (script) component (built into Unity UI buttons). Can then select AutoGenerate animation to record animations like anything else, and for all 4 different states of the button (Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, Disabled).

Particle Systems and the VFX Graph in Unity

February 27, 2019

Particle Systems in Unity 2018 and Later

Particle Systems and New VFX Graphs

I originally intended to look up new tutorials for particle systems in Unity to get a better grasp of the differences in the newest version of the Particle System editor. This was because a lot of older tutorials had the old setup so some of the differences made it hard to follow. While I did find one newer particle system tutorial using the editor, I stumbled upon the Visual Effects graph which appears to be a node/graph based editor for creating VFX new to the latest version of Unity, so I gathered a lot of tutorials for that. Several of them are from Brackeys as well, which is someone I follow often for basic Unity tutorials.

Youtube – Everything to know about the PARTICLE SYSTEM

By: Brackeys

This is the video just going over a lot of the basics of the Particle System editor. Since this was only about a year old I hoped it would cover some of the weird differences I run into, like shaders for particle materials.

Youtube – Visual Effect Graph – Realtime visual effects In Unity 2018.3

By: Unity

This is a quick video from Unity that just shows off some of the basics and capabilities of the VFX graph.

Youtube – FIRE AND SMOKE with Unity VFX Graph!

By: Brackeys

This is a nice example tutorial by Brackeys on using the VFX graph to create a fire/smoke effect.

Youtube – MILLIONS OF PARTICLES! – Unity VFX Graph

By: Brackeys

This is another Brackeys tutorial using the VFX graph that just focuses on doing weird effects with a very large amount of particles.

Youtube – MAKING VISUAL EFFECTS IN UNITY 2018.3 | Beginner’s Guide: VFX Graph

By: Sykoo

This is a longer look into the VFX graph and a lot of it’s capabilities from the very beginning.

Game VFX – Basic Fireball Projectile


February 26, 2019

Fireball FX in Unity

Unity 5 – Game Effects VFX – Fireball Spell / Projectile

Gabriel Aguiar Prod.

They start by creating a basic fireball shape in Photoshop. They used the brush presets to get a nice, fuzzy and flowy effect for drawing this. I went with Round Watercolor since that seemed pretty close to what they used. They also turn the opacity down to allow for increased color on the overlapped sections.

In Photoshop I had something selected on a layer still so when I tried to draw it would only draw in that selection, so that took some time to figure out that issue. They like to use white and just color in Unity. I also used some black to hedge out some of the white values, but not sure if that will create issues in Unity later.

We started creating the Particle System in Unity. We begin by creating a new material that they suggest changing the shader to Particles/Additive, which is a legacy shader now. I tried Particles/Standard Surface, and set the Albedo map to our PNG file instead of dragging it into a texture box (what is done in Particles/Additive).

In the Particle System, we turned off Shape. We edited 3D start size with random between 2 constants. This lets you set bounds that it could scale on any axis. We changed Emission Rate over Time to 1.

We added Rotation over Lifetime. You turn on Separate Axes to get access to more axis options. You also need to change the Start Speed to 0 so it stays in place and solely rotates. You raise the emission rate now to have several spinning at once, and alter the opacity to get the desired visual.

We changed the Render Alignment to Local so it doesn’t always face the camera.

You need to find the balance between: Start Lifetime, Opacity, and Emission Rate over Time. For Colors you can use Start Color/Random Between 2 Constants, or Color over Lifetime. Color over Lifetime gives better options with a gradient functionality.

We added another particle system as a child to the original one. This used another Photoshop image as a texture that was just a small ball of light. This would be used in the material (another Particles/Standard Unlit) of the particle system, as well as for its trail.

This particle system used the following effects: Velocity over Lifetime, Color over Lifetime, Size over Lifetime, Noise, and Trails. The trails add a wind-like light trail effect to each particle that adds a lot to the system. The noise makes trails curvier and more random/organic looking as opposed to always firing in straight lines.

We then added a duplicated version of this secondary particle system but removed the noise and random velocities to just have it travel in a straight line directly behind the overall particle system. Finally we added a Light to the main particle system. This is done by creating a light prefab and dragging it into the Light section of the particle system.


  • Use white colors for FX for Unity so you can color them in Editor
  • In Particle Systems, in Renderer, increase Max Particle Size (i.e. 3) so when you get closer you don’t get weird problems
  • Adding Noise to the particle system can make it look more random and organic
  • You can add Light prefabs to particle systems

Particle Effects Differences in Unity Versions

February 13 2019

Particle Effects: from Tower Defense Tutorial

Particle Effects: from Episode 13 – Lives

Youtube – How to make a Tower Defense Game (E13 LIVES) – Unity Tutorial

By: Brackeys

I just wanted to separate out the particle effects section of my blog on this tutorial to make it easier to reference since it might be a helpful reference to help me use older tutorials in the new Unity editor versions. You can see some of these mentioned at the end of the attached tutorial video.

Context, same paragraph as other blog post: Finally, we created another particle effect for the death of the enemy objects. This was another simple one copied from our bullet impact effect, we just varied the values a bit and changed the material to that of the enemy to look like the enemy is breaking apart. I also noted some differences in the particle editor over the large difference in Unity versions.

  • Standard(Top Option) – no longer has “Randomize Rotation Direction”, so I just changed Start Rotation to “Random between two constants” and selected the two numbers applying +/- the Start Rotation (instead of 100 and 1 for start/randomize, I did 99 and 101 for random between two constants)
  • Emission – need to specifically go into “Count” and select “Between two constants” to set a range of options
  • Collision – there is no “Interior Collisions” option anymore; maybe just have to deal with this with “Collides with” option

Game Architecture with Scriptable Objects Talks

February 7, 2019

Talks on Scriptable Objects

Unite Talks – 2017

Youtube – Unite Austin 2017 – Game Architecture with Scriptable Objects

By: Ryan Hipple

Youtube – Unite ’17 Seoul – ScriptableObjects What they are and why to use them

By: Ian Dundore

Unite talks on using scriptable objects for your game architecture. This just seems like a good things to learn about to keep your game creation/coding organized and easy to work with. Scriptable objects are something I need to learn more about in general.