Major Projects

The following is the short list of the projects I have personally put the most development time into. Each has its own personal page with much more information and images to further explain the project as well as my work within it.


AI Architecture Pathing Project

In this project I developed an AI pathing system using the A* algorithm as the base to help replicate people’s movement through a space based on architectural research and principles as an aid for the architectural department at Drexel University.

Coral Invasion

Coral Invasion is a base defense game where the player is a cybernetic dolphin that must balance the goal of exploring and collecting resources with defending their primary coral reef location from invading human military forces.

Scuttlebuddy AR Experience

This augmented reality (AR) experience provides a fun and engaging game experience on board a historical sea vessel in Philadelphia, USA where the player is part of a time traveling mystery and must solve it in order to get the communication system back up and running before it is too late.


Frog Model Designing Tool

This is a frog modeling tool I created within Houdini. Using anatomical diagrams I broke down the various major body parts of a general frog and created controllers to vary many parameters of the different parts so that it could be used to build the general model for any type of frog.