Professional Work

These are projects I worked on in a professional capacity to be delivered to various clients.


Overview shot of one of the levels of Serein.

Serein is a Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy game where the player selects a bird avatar to represent them as they traverse the Land of Meaning in a 3D point-and-click navigate environment. They are accompanied by a Guide Bird, representing an AI conversation bot, to guide them through the game. The player travels through several different levels each representing a large, meaningful part of the Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy process.

An Otter Planet

Title screen for An Otter Planet.

A game developed with Habitheque to educate about the dynamic interactions of aquatic environments and their inhabitants. The player takes on the role of the Otter Guardian to explore a 3D land and water world to find resources to solve 2D hexagon grid puzzles to generate essences of various aquatic flora and fauna to populate the environment to restore its health, which was depleted by an infectious Taker force.

Brief the Chief

Brief the Chief title screen

In this game, the player takes on the role of a presidential advisor. They can choose from several different presidencies throughout history, where they will inform the president of that time on various historical issues based on the information they receive from people they interview.