Coding Adventure: Ray Marching by Sebastian Lague

April 12, 2021

Ray Marching


Coding Adventure: Ray Marching

By: Sebastian Lague

Youtube – Tutorial

Introduction to the concept of ray marching with some open available projects.


This video covers some of the basics of ray marching while also visualizing their approach and creating some interesting visual effects and renders with the math of signed distance along with ray marching logic. The major ray marching method they show is sphere tracing, which radiates circles/spheres out from a point until anything is collided with. Then, the point moves along the ray direction until it reaches the radius of that sphere projection and emits another sphere. This process is repeated until it radiates a very small threshold radius sphere, which is when a collision is determined.

The resulting project made is available, and I think it would be very useful and interesting to explore. The Youtube video description also holds many links to various sources used to create all the tools and effects in the video, which could also be beneficial for further research into these topics.

Fig. 1: Example of Raytracing Visual from Video (by Sebastian Lague)

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Brackeys Tutorials: Terrain Generation and Vertex Colors

September 11, 2019

Graphics Tutorials

Mesh Generation/Alteration and Vertex Colors

Youtube – MESH GENERATION in Unity – Basics

Tutorial #1

By: Brackeys

Youtube – PROCEDURAL TERRAIN in Unity! – Mesh Generation

Tutorial #2

By: Brackeys

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #3

By: Brackeys

Tutorial #1

This tutorial just covers the basics of creating meshes in Unity. This covers the basics of vertices and tris in Unity, as well as the back-face culling done. This just means when creating tris for the triangle array that they must be input in a clockwise manner to display in the proper direction.

Tutorial #2

This tutorial gets into using the basics of Tutorial #1 to create an entire terrain. This process simply starts by creating a grid of a bunch of vertices, filling them in with tris, and then modifying the positions of some of those vertices.

This started with a process I have used before in mesh generation, where you use several for loops to generate all the vertices in an array of some given size, then fill the gaps between those vertices with tris using more for loops and some basic math. They did add a nice twist where they made the CreateShape method into a coroutine, so we could use WaitForSeconds and see the mesh be filled out. While this was done for a neat aesthetic purpose, this could possibly help in debugging meshes to see where the tris start to be created incorrectly.

The very simple for loop setup for going through all the vertices and filling in the tris did have one flaw that was addressed in the tutorial. When going from the end of a row to the next row, we were creating an extra tri which extended from the end of the row all the way back to the beginning of the next row. Weird errors like this have gotten me before in mesh generation, so I just wanted to point it out.

The setup in this tutorial did the whole quad for each vert, so basically each point was given its own square to cover as we went through the for loops. To avoid the issue of creating extra tris between rows, they simply “skipped” the final vert in each row by adding 1 to the vert index an extra time once a row was completed.

Example of tri generation snippet: for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) { triangles[tris + 0] = vert + 0; triangles[tris + 1] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 2] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 3] = vert + 1; triangles[tris + 4] = vert + xSize + 1; triangles[tris + 5] = vert + xSize + 2; vert++; tris += 6; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); } vert++; // This is the extra vert index added to ensure proper transition from one row to next }

Finally, to make it seem more like the terrain we wanted, we added some noise to the y position of our verts when creating them. Perlin noise was the choice used in the tutorial. Perlin noise is Unity takes in two coordinate parameters, then outputs a noise value between 0 and 1. You can further multiply this by another factor to create more significant noise effects.

There was an interesting issue with using perlin noise. They multiplied the input parameters by 0.3f, which looked very arbitrary. They mentioned that there was a reason for this covered in another video on perlin noise so I checked that and apparently perlin noise repeats on whole numbers. Since we were fedding in parameters based on our vertex indices, these were all whole numbers. Sure enough, when I removed the 0.3f multiplier, the entire terrain was flat again. Something about being “not whole numbers” allows the noise to work.

Tutorial #3

I logged this tutorial earlier, and just wanted to include it here since it went with the other tutorials. I’ll be looking to use this as my Next Step for this post, and hopefully get some more vertex color tutorials to go along with it. I would like to look into some more shader code focused ones if I can since it should be pretty straight forward/simple shader language to get some more practice.


Do Tutorial #3 and find more vertex color tutorials (preferably with focus on using shader language).

General Graphics in Unity – Vertex Colors, Shaders, Meshes, UVs

September 11, 2019

General Graphics Information

Meshes, Shaders, Vertices, UVs

Youtube – MESH COLOR in Unity – Terrain Generation

Tutorial #1

Youtube – Learning Shaders in Unity – Everything about Meshes in under 5 Minutes

Info #1

Youtube – Pico Tanks: Vertex shader in Unity

Info #2

Tutorial #1

I was interested at looking into using vertex colors for objects, which led me to a few interesting videos on various aspects of 3D modeling in general. Tutorial #1 was a nice example of using vertex colors in Unity, as well as giving me a simple tutorial to look into on mesh deformation as well. It uses Unity’s shader graph to apply vertex colors, and just simply sets colors with a gradient onto the vertices themselves based on their height (y position).

Info #1

Info #1 was a very brief but general overview of topics on meshes.

  • UVs: It explained how UVs are used to map textures onto faces of objects, which was the biggest topic I had not really covered up to this point. UVs also belong directly to a vertex.
  • Vertices: It also went into how their can be more vertices on an object than you’d expect (since they have a normal that goes with individual faces).

This video was specifically aimed at Unity, so some of the information was most likely Unity specific. For instance, the fact that the Mesh class contains Vertices, Normals, UVs, Tangents, Triangles, and Colors. It finally got into vertex colors at the end, which also showed an example of it being used that just made a very cool colored cube I thought.

From: Info #1

Info #2

Finally, Info #2 was just a very quick video of a game project showcasing their use of vertex shaders to actually move trees in their environment when objects are moving through them. Moving objects affect the colors of an underlying texture map, which use this “color information” to apply affects, such as rotating the trees.