Unity Shader Graph – Energy Shader – by Casey Farina

August 9, 2021

Shader Graph


ART 200: Creating an energy Shader in Shader Graph in Unity

Casey Farina

Youtube – Tutorial

Tutorial on creating an energy effect on a surface with Unity’s Shader Graph.


This tutorial covers the creation of a shader in Unity’s Shader Graph which covers the surface of an object with a glowy, plasma-like effect. Further in the tutorial they cover how to make the less pronounced parts of the effect actually completely transparent, which gives a cool effect on its own, or allows for this to be placed over other effects or surfaces to apply the effect with gaps showing the surface below.

Fig. 1: My Results of the Energy Shader Along with Shader Graph View

Quick Notes

HDR Color and Emission

It starts with HDR color with significant intensity into Emission to create glowing, radiant effective.

Voronoi Noise in Layers

Use Voronoi noise to create moving globules effect within the energy. Contrast node used with this to create more distinct dots.

They then created two Voronoi noises with differet cell densities and blended them with a Blend node, giving a combination of tiny particles moving with some larger effects moving throughout the material.

Transparency and Alpha Clip Threshold

By making the Surface of the Graph Inspector Transparent, feeding the Blend result into the now present Alpha on the Fragment node, and setting a proper Alpha Clip Threshold (0.1 is usually a good start), then you can get an effect where parts of the energy shader are totally transparent and see through.


This tutorial helped me make a simple, yet effective energy effect shader that works decently well on multiple surfaces. The extra segment on including transparency into the effect really took it up a level for me as an interesting effect that could have a lot of uses. This would help expand the effect a bit by also giving it the option of being used on a larger mesh outside of an object’s actual mesh to provide a sort of aura off of and around an object that could be cool, as well as allowing for layering with other effects easier.

They also covered a small segment on using the Gradient node for some strange effects. This was a small segment that also didn’t appeal to me particularly so I didn’t try that portion out myself. That could give some more variety to the tool, but it just wasn’t something I wanted currently.

My result can be seen in action below with a few variations in speed of the effect and color!

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/08/unity-shader-graph-energy-shader-by.html

Unity Shader Graph – Signed Distance Fields – Update with Subgraph Fix

June 24, 2021

Shader Graph


Drawing Boxes and Rectangles in URP Shader Graph with 2D SDFs! 2021.1 | Unity Game Dev Tutorial

Ned Makes Games

Youtube – Tutorial

Exploration into calculating signed distance fields and using them with Unity’s Shader Graph.

Rectangle SDFs and Procedural Bricks! Video Production Stream | Unity Game Dev Livestream

Ned Makes Games 2

Youtube – Tutorial

The full stream which most of the previous tutorial is pulled from. Useful for any more in depth questions of previous tutorial.


When I visited this tutorial yesterday I ran into an issue with Unity 2021.1.3 that working with subgraphs was extremely bugged and error prone. I had seen online that later versions potentially fixed the issue, so I download the latest version, 2021.1.12, and this did indeed fix the issue for me, making this tutorial much easier to follow along with.

This tutorial was mostly just looking at the subgraphs and shader graphs they built and following along to build them out myself. This was at least a decent learning experience at getting familiar with the work flow of setting up subgraphs for your shader graphs, as well as just using a lot of the math nodes.

Helper Scripts to Show Off Shader

Along with building the shader, they made two simple scripts to make the shader a bit interactive and more flexible.


This class was responsible for letting the user move the two points dictating the general length of the rectangle shape by just clicking and dragging. This however did not work immediately, as they were using a helper class named MousePointer I did not use.

I was able to get a similar result by replacing their process of getting the point:

var p = MousePointer.GetWorldPosition(Camera.main);

with my replacement:

var p = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, distanceToPlane));

distanceToPlane was a value the user could put in that is the distance from the camera to the flat plane the camera is facing to test the shader. As long as the exact same distance is put there for the z-value of ScreenToWorldPoint, the points moving correlate exactly with where the user is dragging them.


This class lets the user control the thickness, or width, of the rectangle with the scroll wheel. This class directly worked as shown.

General Notes with Scripts Interacting with ShaderGraph Properties

Integrating the scripts with the Shader Graph properties was actually pretty easy. It worked similarly to working with the Animator in Unity. You just use methods like SetFloat() and give it two parameters where one is the exact string name of the property you want to set, and the second is the value you are passing in to said property. It is worth noting this was just accessed through the Material, there was no strange Shader Graph object that needed to exist or anything like that.

An example of my implementation of the tutorial can be seen below.

Unity Shader Graph: SDF Rainbow Pulse from Tutorial by NedMakesGames from Steve Lilley on Vimeo.

Video Example of my Following of the Pulse Shader in the Ned Makes Games Tutorial

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/06/unity-shader-graph-signed-distance_24.html

Unity Shader Graph – Signed Distance Fields and Subgraph Errors

June 23, 2021

Shader Graph


Drawing Boxes and Rectangles in URP Shader Graph with 2D SDFs! 2021.1 | Unity Game Dev Tutorial

Ned Makes Games

Youtube – Tutorial

Exploration into calculating signed distance fields and using them with Unity’s Shader Graph.


This shader tutorial quickly explores calculating signed distance fields and using that for interesting effects. These effects were built in HLSL in the tutorial video originally, but they also show how these can be implemented with Unity’s Shader Graph system. I wanted to use the Shader Graph approach, but unfortunately I found that Unity’s Shader Graph Subgraphs have some major issues.

Signed Distance Fields (SDFs)

Signed Distance Fields (SDFs): calculate the distance from any arbitrary point to a specific shape

Principles of Calculating

To start, they look at an example using a rectangle whose center is at the origin (0, 0).

First, they find the distance from the point, p, to the center of the rectangle, which is just the length of the Vector2 p because the center is at the origin.

Then, using the symmetry of the rectangle, the absolute value of point, p, and the half dimensions of the rectangle are used to determine the distance of the point to any corner of the rectangle.

To get the positive results, they find the vector between the absolute value of point, p, and the corner of the rectangle and find the length of this vector after converting any negative components to 0.

Since the core of an SDF is that it is signed, meaning that a point inside the shape returns a negative value and a point outside the shape returns a positive value, they expand it to deal with negative distances. The vector, d, which is that from the absolute value of point, p, to the corner of the rectangle is only inside of the shape when both components of d are negative.

Assuming both components of d are negative, the result from the previous step already results in 0, so they can add a secondary component to this that returns a negative result in this case. By using min(max(d.x, d.y), 0) they can find this distance because a point within the rectangle must be closer to one wall or the other, or they are identical values. This is why there also is no rounded effect within the rectangle.

Moving the rectangle’s center from the origin just requires an additional offset argument.

Then, rotation requires another argument, and requires rotational matrix math (something I covered in my investigation to changing vector spaces).

Unity Problem with Subgraphs

While following along to mimic their Shader Graphs, I came across a Unity issue working in Sub Graphs especially. When creating properties and moving those property nodes around, Unity consistently runs in ArgumentNullException errors which completely shut the graph down and prevent any further progress until it is closed and reopened. Apparently Unity versions 2021.2 and up may work better with this, so I will have to look into more Unity versions in the future.

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/06/unity-shader-graph-signed-distance.html

Unity Shader Graph – Liquid Effect by Gabriel Aguiar Prod.

June 18, 2021

Shader Graph


Unity Shader Graph – Liquid Effect Tutorial

Gabriel Aguiar Prod.

Youtube – Tutorial

Quick shader graph tutorial exploring interesting effects of moving shader based on psuedo-physics.


This shader tutorial looked like a great way to extend my knowledge on Unity’s shader graph since it appears to have some neat and unique mechanics. The fact that the shader is responding to the changes in position and rotation of the object explore ways to have shaders follow physics-like rules to create effects visually that can mimic for physical phenomena. Many of this user’s tutorials also include setting up the initial models, but I think this effect can work decently with other simple shapes I can easily make with ProBuilder.

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/06/unity-shader-graph-liquid-effect-by.html

Coding Adventure: Ray Marching by Sebastian Lague

April 12, 2021

Ray Marching


Coding Adventure: Ray Marching

By: Sebastian Lague

Youtube – Tutorial

Introduction to the concept of ray marching with some open available projects.


This video covers some of the basics of ray marching while also visualizing their approach and creating some interesting visual effects and renders with the math of signed distance along with ray marching logic. The major ray marching method they show is sphere tracing, which radiates circles/spheres out from a point until anything is collided with. Then, the point moves along the ray direction until it reaches the radius of that sphere projection and emits another sphere. This process is repeated until it radiates a very small threshold radius sphere, which is when a collision is determined.

The resulting project made is available, and I think it would be very useful and interesting to explore. The Youtube video description also holds many links to various sources used to create all the tools and effects in the video, which could also be beneficial for further research into these topics.

Fig. 1: Example of Raytracing Visual from Video (by Sebastian Lague)

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/04/coding-adventure-ray-marching-by.html

Drawing and Rendering Many Cube Meshes in Unity (Part 1 of Part 1)

March 03, 2021

Shaders for Game Devs


Shader Basics, Blending & Textures • Shaders for Game Devs [Part 1]

By: Freya Holmér

Unity – Forum

Discussions and code for drawing and rendering many cube meshes.


I have been exploring shaders as an option for efficiently generating large amounts of geometry and came across this recent talk covering shaders all the way from the beginning. This seems like a good opportunity to at least get a better understanding of what they are and good cases to look into using them.

Intro to Shaders

Shaders: code that runs on the GPU in their truest form
This was there answer for the simplest form of explaining what a shader is from a game development point of view, and I liked it as a good starting foundation to help my understanding. Textures, Normal Maps, Bump Maps, etc. are all examples of tools that can be used as input for shaders. Shaders then use the information provided by those along with their given code to determine how to visualize and render with that information.

Fresnel Shader: as something fades away from you, you get a stronger light.
It looks like an outline type effect often, but it is not an outline effect. It will highlight features which are moving away from your view. As the angle towards some surface versus the camera is very low, something happens. This is just a commonly used type of shader.

Structures of a Shader

Structure within Unity (Description)[Language or Tool to Modify]:


– Properties (Input data) [ShaderLab]

– Colors

– Values

– Textures

– Mesh

– Matrix4x4 (transform data: where it is, how it’s rotated, how it’s scaled)

– SubShader (can have multiple in a single shader) [ShaderLab]

– Pass (Render/Draw pass; Can have multiple)

– Vertex Shader [HLSL]

– Fragment Shader (“Pixel” Shader) [HLSL]

Vertex Shader

This deals with all the vertices of the mesh. Similar to a foreach loop that runs over all the vertices you have. One of the first common issues with vertex shaders is placing the vertices. Shaders however do not particularly care about world space. They generally deal with position in clip space, which are values between 0 and 1 to determine where to place them on the screen. This can often be done simply by taking the local space coordinates and transform them with an MVP matrix to convert them to clip space and you are done.

Vertex shader is often used to animate water or sway grass and foliage in the wind. This aspect is used often to provide movements or animation. They mention that vertex UV coordinates can be manipulated in the vertex shader or the fragment shader, but if possible to do in the vertex shader it should be done their first. All you do here is set the positions of vertices or pass data to the fragment shader.

Fragment Shader

This is similar to a foreach loop that runs over each fragment. A pixel usually refers directly to a pixel being rendered on the screen, which a fragment shader does not always deal with. However, it is common for these to overlap, which is why some call this a pixel shader. This aspect generally comes down to determining what color to set for every fragment or pixel. The vertex shader always runs before the fragment shader. Data can be passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader, but not vice a versa.

Shaders vs. Materials

Mesh and Matrix4x4 are normally supplied by your mesh renderer component or something like that, where as colors, values, and textures are something you must define yourself. These properties are generally defined with materials. The material helps contain these parameters which are then passed in to the shaders. You never “add a shader to an object” in Unity, it is effectively done by adding a material which then references the shader to be used. You can think of materials as preconfigured parameters to be used when rendering something with a shader. You can have multiple materials which all use the same shader, but have different input properties.

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/03/drawing-and-rendering-many-cube-meshes_3.html

Drawing and Rendering Many Cube Meshes in Unity

March 02, 2021

Drawing and Rendering Meshes


Drawing 1 Million cubes!

Unity – Forum

Discussions and code for drawing and rendering many cube meshes.


I wanted to be able to replicate the drawcube Gizmos in Unity I am using to portray data for my architecture project in the game scene and eventually builds of the project. To do this I need a very lightweight way to draw many small cube meshes, so I looked into drawing/rendering my own meshes and shaders. This option I came across in a Unity forum to just draw and render meshes on Update seemed decent enough so I investigated a simpler version for my needs.


I could get away with a much simpler version of the CubeDrawer script found in the forum comments. I could strip out the batching and the randomization as I need very specific cubes and no where near the million cubes they were rendering. I am normally looking at somewhere in the thousands to ten-thousands, and want very specific locations.

So I stripped this script down and tweaked it some for my needs so I could feed the position and color data I was already creating from my node grids and heatmaps into this simpler CubeDrawer. I then had it build and render the cubes. It was able to give me the visual results I wanted, but I was seeing a significant performance reduction. The AI agents had stuttery movement and the camera control had a bit of lag to it. I’ll need to investigate ways to reduce the performance hit this has, but it’s a step in the right direction.

via Blogger http://stevelilleyschool.blogspot.com/2021/03/drawing-and-rendering-many-cube-meshes.html