Online Multiplayer Networking Solution Tutorial Using Unity and Mirror – Tutorial by: Jason Weimann

February 2, 2021

Networking Online Multiplayer

Unity & Mirror

Let’s build a 4-Player Networked Game LIVE – Online Shooter (with Mirror & Unity)

Jason Weimann

Youtube – Tutorial

Intro to using Mirror for networking online multiplayer play in Unity development.


This tutorial has Jason Weimann implementing online network play into a basic Unity twin-stick shooting game. They use Mirror, which is a Unity asset used for simplifying the online network synchronization process. This is a live implementation where they work through many errors transferring a game from simply working locally to working with a host/client relationship.


Mirror – Home Page

Mirror is “a high level Networking API for Unity, supporting different low level Transports” (from Mirror themselves). It is a clean solution for implementing a quick and simple online networking option for Unity projects. The core components breakdown as such (supplied by their site):

  • [Server] / [Client]: tags can be used for the server-only and client-only parts
  • [Command]s: are used for Client -> Server communication
  • [ClientRpc] / [TargetRpc]: for Server -> Client communication
  • [SyncVar]s and SyncLists: are used to automatically synchronize state

Authoritative Server

When creating a networking environment for a project, it is important to determine what aspects of it are determined server-side and what are determined client-side. With games, most information should generally be handled server-side since this helps prevent cheating or hacking. Most games with larger scale player bases will have dedicated servers to handle the online play of the games, and these handle a majority of the data as well as checking data coming in from the clients helps in the efforts to mitigate cheating.

As they go through the tutorial, the only information they end up handling client-side is that specific player’s transform. To help keep the game feeling as clean and smooth as possible for the player, they at least allow this to be determined client-side so any of their movement is quickly shown to them. This information is then sent to the server to be distributed. While this opens an avenue for cheating, the data being sent from the client can be checked before truly being implemented if this is a real concern.

After that almost everything is handled on the server-side. When the client wishes to do something, the server generally runs the actual logic and then sends the data to the client using a Mirror [ClientRpc] attribute. Many of the major mechanic handling scripts then only run ifServer and handle the information coming in to determine what events will actually occur.

List of Client-Side Authorization

  • Player Movement

List of Server-Side Authorization

  • Bullet Spawn
  • Bullet Transform
  • Enemy Spawn
  • Enemy Transform

Transitioning from a Local Project to a Network Project

Removing Duplicated Logic

One of the common issues they ran into in the tutorial while transitioning from a basic local project to a network project using Mirror was that in their efforts to have the server handle most logic, sometimes they would accidentally have the server as well as the client running the same logic. This produced weird results in various cases, from stuttering enemy movement to strange projectile effects. This would happen when adding to functionality of only running something server-side, but then forgetting to remove the logic from occurring just locally. This could cause instances of the same logic running twice effectively.

Basics of Testing Networking in Unity with Mirror

As this can lead to many bugs and errors, testing is critical when dealing with networking elements. There are several ways to go about this, but one of the simplest and what they use in the tutorial is building the project, then using that build as one network user (Client/Host) and the Unity Editor as the other (Host/Client). Mirror allows for a quick GUI implementation providing a Host button and Client button to connect to said Host using an IP address. “LocalHost” can be used in place of the IP address when doing the suggested testing, as this has the client look on its own computer for the game host.

Further details on the Network Manager HUD and using the base network connectivity can be found here on Mirror’s site:

Mirror – Network Manager HUD


This tutorial seems to show that Mirror is a decent option for quickly implementing an online network multiplayer solution for your simpler Unity projects. This simplified approach to setting up a network project also seems like good practice for getting your feet wet with dealing with networking implementation into Unity projects in general. It still requires client-side and server-side differentiation and managing what data is handled where and passing data between the two, so this appears to me as good practice for understanding these concepts. It also does just appear to work rather easily, so if you just want to get some kind of online multiplayer working for your project this seems like a useable solution.

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Unity Tilemap 2D Basics and Unity Learn Introduction

January 20, 2021

Tilemap 2D


Beginner Programming: Unity Game Dev Courses

Unity Learn Course – Introduction to Tilemaps – 2019.3

Basics of using Tilemaps for 2D projects in Unity.

Tilemap Basics


  • Only one in scene
  • Creates layout for scene that Tilemaps rely on
  • Cell Size: size of each square on Grid; applies to all Tilemaps within Grid
  • Cell Gap: space between each square on Grid; applies to all Tilemaps within Grid
  • Cell Layout: layout of tiles on grid; Options such as rectangle, hexagonal, isometric, isometric z as y
  • Cell Swizzle: direction Grid is facing; options such as XYZ, XZY, etc.


There can be multiple in a scene and it has two components: Tilemap and Tilemap Renderer.

Tilemap Component

Controls how the Tilemap behaves and how tiles within it work.

  • Controls how Tilemap behaves and how tiles within work
  • Animation Frame Rate: affects spped of animated tiles in Tilemap
  • Color: color and transparency
  • Tile Anchor: where tile is anchored to grid
  • Orientation: direction tiles are facing

Tilemap Renderer Component

Change how tiles are rendered and sorting order.


Chunk Mode

  • Sprites on Tilemap rendered in batches with each batch being treated as a single sort item in the 2D transparent queue
  • reduced draw calls for performance
  • other renderers cannot be layered or rendered in between part of the Tilemap
  • ideal for terrain base layer or other “single depth” maps

Individual Mode

  • sprites sorted based on position in Tilemap and Sort Order
  • render to allow interweaving of sprites
  • good for allowing sprites to pass behind other sprites
Other Parameters
  • Detect Chunk Culling: detect chunk bounds automatically or set them manually
  • Chunk Culling Bounds: extension of bounds for culling in Chunk Mode
  • Mask Interaction: can make Tilemap visible only inside or outside a Sprite Mask
  • Material: change material used to render each tile
  • Sorting Layer: Layer defining Sprites’ overlay priority during rendering
  • Order in Layer: helps determine which Layer is rendered first

Tilemap Collider 2D

This is an additional component of the Tilemap object (with Tilemap Renderer). This makes the entire Tilemap have colliders. Having many individual tile colliders can cause objects or players to get caught on the seams, so the tile colliders can be combined using composites. This can be done on the Tilemap Collider 2D, just toggle on “Used By Composite” and add the components: Composite Collider 2D, and Rigidbody 2D.

The following image shows my use of these tile map basics using Unity assets from a separate Brackeys tutorial. I experimented with adding flipped and rotated versions of some of the existing sprites to the tilemap and using the automatic colliders of the tiles. I had issues with the separate tile colliders because they would catch the player moving along the floor, so this image shows the composite collider solution to fix the colliders. This solved that issue and cleaned up the colliders.

Basic Use of Tilemap and Colliders

Keyboard Shortcuts: Rotate and Flip

Flip Sprite: { “Shift + [“

Rotate Sprite: [


Tilemaps are actually extremely easy to use and seem to give pretty effective results. I did have the issue with the individual colliders immediately after using the automatic colliders, but it appeared to be resolved with the composite colliders, which combine the colliders into large contiguous colliders. The difference between selecting, moving, and brushing tiles can be weird sometimes, but I was able to get the hang of it eventually and the process became fairly smooth after a while. Finding the keyboard shortcuts for rotating and flipping was also a bit strange, but was very useful once I found it.

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Jump Physics and Controller for 2D Platformer Tutorial by Press Start

January 19, 2021

Player Controller

2D Platformer Design

A Perfect Jump in Unity – A Complete Guide

Press Start

Youtube – Tutorial

More involved tutorial for jump controls for 2D platformer.


This tutorial goes more in depth on the jump control and mechanics for 2D platformers. This starts to involve logic for varied jump heights when holding the jump button as well as ensuring the proper number of jumps (generally a single jump, but can help lead to double jump or multi-jumps). This tutorial also involves some simple animations through script to help add life to the jump mechanic, such as squeezing during the jump.

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Unity UI Design – Video on Color Palettes, Layout Components, and Blur Panel

January 13, 2021


UI Design

Making UI That Looks Good In Unity using Color Palettes, Layout Components and a Blur Panel

Game Dev Guide

Youtube – Tutorial & Information

Making better looking UI, specifically through Unity.


As I close in on another end point for the Architecture AI project I am working on, I am tweaking the UI elements again. This motivated me to look a bit more into UI design again, and this video looks like a nice quick pickup to provide some significant improvements to my usual UI options. This will also cover making it look a bit nicer, which is a good compliment since I have generally focused on just getting UI elements to work well previously.

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Architecture AI Pathing Project: Another File Reader for Revit Model Data

December 3, 2020

File Reader

Architecture AI Project

Another File Reader: Revit Model Data

After reconstructing the file reader to read in various coordinate data to be passed on to the A* pathing node grid, we also needed a file reader to read in data from the Revit model itself to reapply that data to the models in Unity. Revit allows the user to apply many parameters and lots of data to the models contained within it, and that data can be exported as a large Excel file. That data however is not being passed into Unity when exported as an .fbx file, so we needed a way to reapply that data using the exported data.


While this is a flexible enough concept to apply many parameters, the main problem this system is being created to solve was automating the process of labeling what parts of the model are “walkable” or “unwalkable”. I had created a system to somewhat help do that in Unity, but this system will allow the user to do that work on the Revit side. They can create a “Walkable” parameter in Revit for specific objects and that information will be passed through Unity back onto the same object in the Unity model. A similar logic is being applied to which doors are passable in the overall model, with a parameter like “isClosed”.

Using the Revit Model Data

As of now, all the exported data is coming out in a large Excel .xlsx file which has dozens and dozens of sheets. These are difficult to innately read directly into Unity, so I investigated mass converting them into .csv files to be consistent with how we are already reading in the other types of data. I was able to find a VBA macro for Excel that simply exports all the sheets in a single Excel file as separate .csv files. I found the macro here:

Excel to Unity Pipeline

Once everything is converted into separate .csv files, they can all be moved to the Unity Resources folder to be easily read in and converted to data that can be used by the Unity system. Ideally this setup would be a bit more automated, but it works for now. Also, in most cases we only need a few of the dozens of .csv files created, so you can also just move the ones you actually need into the folder to keep everything cleaner.

Reading in the Revit Model .csv

Similarly to reading in the data for the pathing grid, I started by reading the data into an array that could then be easily accessed and passed through the Unity C# classes as needed. Again to keep it consistent and easier to read, I put the data into 2D arrays matching their layouts in the Excel file.

The initial part of this setup was actually so similar to how the other file reader was operating, I decided to move this functionality out into its own base FileReader class that had a static instance every class could access. Then the new file reader focusing solely on preparing the data for the Revit model application was its own class, and the original file reader class for reading data for the pathing grid was its own class.

Determining Which Data to Read In

Since there can be many sheets, leading to many .csv files, but we only need to access a very small subset of these sheets, I added a system to target which sheets of interest to look for. To keep the system flexible for now, it has a manual input system, but it can be automated if we are consistently looking for the same sheets.

I created a small data class that holds a string for the sheet of interest name and a string array for the name of the parameters (column headers) we are interested in within that sheet. These are serializable objects, and I created an array of them in the main file reader component that is accessible in the Unity Inspector. This lets the user select how many sheets they are interested in, then they type in the exact sheet name of each sheet and further add the name of the parameter(s) they are interested in. This is what determines which .csv files as well as which parts of the data to use when actually translated into data for the Unity system to use, .

Preparing the Data for Use in Unity

Identifying Objects in Model to Apply Data

I already had a system in place to find and apply modifications to objects in the model based on name, so I wanted to look to using that as a base for finding the objects here to apply the data to. Originally we were going to try and match the entire name of the object in the Unity model to the name in the Revit data, but this would take an extra step of crafting the name from the Revit data. This is because the object names are actually an amalgamation of several parameters for each object.

One of these parameters that is part of the name however, is an Id number. It appears these are unique for each object, and “Id” is one of the parameter columns in the Revit data. With this information, we can use the Id column to determine which objects we have data for and then finding the object in the model using a String.Contains method. The numbers should be unique enough this should not cause an issue in any realistic case.

Work In Progress: Applying the Data to the Models

After identifying the model objects that will be modified in the entire model and preparing the data to apply to them, the data just needs to be applied. Going back to the original goal, this currently always means interpreting the data to determine whether an object should be on the “Walkable layer” in Unity.

This however has the potential to be used in any case where Revit parameter data needs to do something to the model on the Unity side. As such, it makes sense to make an intermediate step which allows for many different functionalities if the need arises for a new way to apply the data to the objects in Unity.

Next Step

The first step is simply finishing this system, since I still have some work to do on the “Applying Data” step. Having the entire system in place with this much flexibility will then allow us to determine consistent use cases where we can automate the system to take care of those without user input (such as always checking the “Walls” .csv file to find if any walls are impassable and always checking the “Doors” .csv file to see which are open or closed). Then the next large step is reworking the raycasting system for informing the pathing node grid more accurately and consistently.

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Architecture AI Pathing Project: File Reader and Different Resolutions of Data and A* Pathing Grid

December 1, 2020

File Reader

Architecture AI Project

File Reader Data Array Creation

The file reader for this projects starts with the CSVReader class. This class is responsible for reading data in from .csv files generated by Revit to pass it on to the underlying A* pathing node grid for use by the agents when pathing. These .csv files have 2D coordinate values to locate the data, the actual data value, and a reference ID. The coordinate data and the data values themselves are separated and saved into many data objects within Unity (in a class named DataWithPosition). This prepares the data to be used to pass on to the A* pathing node grid.

While the .csv data is generally consistently spaced based on coordinates, it can have many gaps as it does not assign a value somewhere where there is a gap in the model. This results in data that is not perfectly rectangular. To make the process of tying this data array in with the pathing grid more consistent, I manually make a rectangular data array to hold all of the data and fill in the missing coordinates with additional data objects that have some default value (usually “0”). This helps fill the data into the A* pathing grid as the grid is created because it can simply go through the data list one at a time instead of doing any searching of any kind.

Applying the Read Data to the A* Pathing Grid

Data Assumptions:

  • In order by coordinates, starting with the x-coordinates
  • There is a general consistent distance between the data points

After reading in all the data and creating the foundational array of data, it can then be applied to the node grid. The first basic case of this reads through the data array as A* pathing grid is created and assigns values as the grid is made. This however only makes sense when the resolution of the data being read in and the A* pathing grid are similar. If there is a substantially higher density of data points, or a higher density of node grids, this is no longer the case and we need other ways to apply the data.

Data Resolution Cases

This leads to three cases (Cases with respect to data resolution):

  1. Data Resolution = A* Pathing Grid Resolution
  2. Data Resolution > A* Pathing Grid Resolution
  3. Data Resolution < A* Pathing Grid Resolution

(The 3 cases with respect to distance):

  1. Data Distance = A* Pathing Grid Node Diameter
  2. Data Distance < A* Pathing Grid Node Diameter
  3. Data Distance > A* Pathing Grid Node Diameter

The resolution here is the inverse of the distance between the data points (i.e. the distance between the data point coordinates, and the node diameters). This also means these cases can be checked based on the distance between data points as well, but the condition is reversed (except for the case where they are equal, where it stays the same).

Determining which case is present is important to determine how to apply the data to the A* pathing nodes. I determined the best way to deal with these cases in a simple manner was the following:

Dealing with the 3 Cases of Data Resolutions

Dealing with the 3 Cases:

  1. Similar Number of Data Points and A* Nodes: Apply data to the A* pathing nodes 1-to-1
  2. Substantially More Data Points than A* Nodes: Average the data value of all the data points covered by each A* node for each A* node
  3. Substantially Less Data Points than A* Nodes: Apply the same data value from each data point to all the A* nodes in the same area it covers

These other cases require additional information to accurately apply these various techniques. Adding an additional data assumption that when there is a difference in the distance between data points and the A* node diameter that this difference such that the distances are divisible by one another leads to a useful term that can consistently help with both of these cases.

If (distance between data is divisible by A* node diameter OR A* node diameter is divisible by distance between data)

To keep it somewhat consistent, I created a term called the “Distance Ratio (D)”, which is the node diameter divided by the distance between the data point coordinates. This term can be used as an important data dimension when dealing with array indices for the different data application cases. Since the key is using this as a dimensional property, it needs to be a whole number, which is not the case when the node diameter is less than the distance between data coordinates. In this case, the inverse of “D” can be used to find the dimensional term.

Distance Ratio (D) = Node Diameter / Distance Between Data

Dimensional Ratio (D*)

if (D >= 1) D* = D

if (D < 1) D* = 1 / D

Using Dimensional Ratio for Cases 2 and 3

Case 1 does not need the dimensional ratio whatsoever, but both other cases can use it.

Case 2

For case 2 there are more data points per area than A* nodes, so the A* nodes must average the value of all the data points they cover. These data points can be found using the dimensional ratio. Each A* node covers a number of data points, n, where (n = D* ^ 2). This information makes it much easier and more consistent to find the proper data to average while setting the values during the creation of the A* node grid.

Case 3

For case 3, there are less data points than there are A* nodes in each given area. Since this case just applies the same value from a given data point to several A* nodes, it is just about figuring out all the A* nodes each data point should pass its data to. This can also be done by expanding the initial data array out with a bunch of identical data points so that it can then follow the 1-to-1 passing on approach of case 1.

To do this, the dimensional ratio, D*, is used again. The initial data array created from the reading of the .csv file can be modified and expanded. A new 2D data array is created with each dimension (height and width) multiplied by D*. Then each data point passes on all of its information to a square of data points in the new array, where the number of new data points created, n, is such that (n = D* ^ 2).

File Reader Data Resolution Difference Summary

This allows us to deal with various types and sizes of data while using various resolutions of A* pathing node systems somewhat consistently. This can be beneficial when passing in many types of data that could have different data resolutions and you want to keep the A* node grid resolution consistent. This also just helps the system perform properly when many types of data are passed through it over the course of several tests.

Unfortunately the distance between the data points is not determined automatically at this time, so it must be input manually. I initially thought of just finding the difference between the first couple coordinates to determine the distance, but this would fail edge cases where some of the data right at the beginning is missing. The better solution could be to randomly select several pairs of coordinates throughout the data and find the difference, then use the mode of that data as the determined data distance. This would work in most cases, and could then just have a manual override for fringe cases.

Case 3 in particular is definitely not the most efficient approach, but it was a quicker and simpler implementation for now. Ideally it would not need to create another expanded data grid as a reference, and the A* node grid could use some method to know which ones should read from the same data point.

Next Step

This process could benefit from some of the possible updates mentioned in the “File Reader Data Resolution Difference Summary” section, but most of those should be unnecessary for now. The next steps will look to other parts of the system, which does include some more file reading that some of this process could benefit. We need to read in more Revit data to assign data to the model objects themselves.

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Architecture AI Pathing Project: Selecting Spawn and Target Positions from Objects in the Model

November 23, 2020

Spawning and Pathing System

Architecture AI Project

Updated Spawning System to Use Objects within Model as List of Options

We wanted to update the spawning system so that instead of being arbitrary points, both the spawn location and target location were tied to objects that could be found throughout the entire model. The system is already creating a list of all the objects within the model for applying colliders and various other components, so that could be accessed for this purpose as well. This list of objects was then put into a UI dropdown for selecting both the spawn position and the target position. The transform of the selected object was then used for that respective part of the pathing.

Highlighting the Spawn and Target Locations

I wanted to highlight both the spawn and target objects to make it more apparent where the agents would be aiming to path. The first implementation I went with for now changes the material of the object. The spawn object becomes an orange color, and the target object becomes a green color. This however is not very clear with many objects, because some such as windows and doors are within the walls, which are hard to see from the angle we are using currently. I will be exploring better options such as spawning an extra object or UI element around the area to make it more apparent.

Example Images Showing a Few Paths with Varied Spawn and Target Positions

Next Step

We want to determine how we want to narrow down the list of options to select as spawn and target locations since we generally will not need access to every single object. We have to decide how flexible the options need to be, as the more rigid it will be the more we can automate it and narrow the options down to a select few.

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Architecture AI Pathing Project: Automating the Sizing of the Node Grid

November 17, 2020

Automated Node Grid Size

Architecture AI Project

Unity Bounds Documentation


Unity – Informational

Unity’s documentation on their Bounds class and its methods.

Automating Process of Sizing the Node Grid

The A* pathing uses an underlying grid of nodes to inform the agents how to move through an area. A value must be input to tell the grid how large of an area to cover with these nodes. Originally these values, which are two dimensions of a rectangular area, had to be input manually. Since this grid will always be covering a full architectural model, it made sense to be able to access the model and automate the sizing process through the size of the model.

Encapsulate Bounds of All Children Objects

Since we are dealing with models in Unity, I looked to the Bounds class to help with automating this grid creation process. Immediately, Bounds can be used to find the bounding volume of a single mesh/renderer/collider. The architectural models however are complex models made up of many children models, including both small elements like windows and entire structural elements like the walls. Needing to create bounds that made sure they contained every bit of the architecture, I created a method which looks through all the children of the overall parent architectural model object and uses the Bounds.Encapsulate method to continually increase the size of a single bounds reference until it contains the entirety of the model.

Using Bounds for Sizing

After creating a set of bounds which encompassed the proper area of interest, they needed to be used to set the node grid. The Bounds.Size property returns a Vector3 which gives the dimensions of said bounding box. Because of our current frame of reference, we could use Bounds.size.x and Bounds.size.z to find our two dimensions for our 2D node grid area.

The following image shows an example model with the created bounding box around it (shown as a yellow wire box). The node grid can be seen as all the small red cubes. It can somewhat be seen that the node grid is about the size of the bounding box using the above approach, but it is still tied to the origin since the repositioning logic has not been added yet.

Example of Model Bounding Box with Resized Node Grid

Next Step

The size gives us the dimensions of the node grid, but to fully automate it it still needs to find the proper position of the node grid. Just for now the node grid is still starting at Unity’s origin and building out from there, regardless of the position of the model. Positioning the grid will either use to find the center of the model and build out from there, or Bounds.min or Bounds.max to find one corner of the model and build out from there. Either of these options should give similar results.

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Unity Component-Based Design: Breaking Up Code with Lost Relic Games

November 10, 2020

Component-Based Design


Breaking up Code in Unity (Important game dev tips for beginners)

Lost Relic Games

Youtube – Informational

Introductory explanation of using component-based design in Unity and breaking your scripts down into smaller more manageable pieces.


As I work on larger and more complex projects, I want to explore ways to better organize and structure my code so this seemed like a good option to look into. Unity’s components are the foundation for a majority of it’s inner working, and as such component-based design is a popular way to handle meatier projects within Unity. It has a focus of breaking scripts down into very small and manageable pieces that focus more on a specific functionality, and then having those pieces interact with each other in a controlled and organized way. I have been working on breaking up my code into more unique pieces, but I am looking for more ways to have them work together and interact in a more controlled and organized way.

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Unity Input Action Assets Intro with InfallibleCode

October 26, 2020

Input Action Assets


Unity Input System | How to Use Input Action Assets

Infallible Code

Youtube – Tutorial

One of the better tutorials covering all the basics of utilizing Unity’s new Input Action Asset for their new input system.

Tutorial – Part 1 – Reference by String

Initially there are already some issues since they are using an older version of the new Unity input system. GetActionMap and GetAction are no longer methods associated with the InputActionAsset object and the InputActionMap object. To get around this I just used the FindActionMap and FindAction methods and they appeared to work fine here.

There are to callbacks tied to the movement action we created: movement.performed and movement.canceled. According to the Unity documentation, performed means “An Interaction with the Action has been completed” and canceled means “An Interaction with the Action has been canceled”. Then there is a method named OnMovementChanged which reads the current context input from the Vector2 input and just assigns it to a Vector3 used for movement. Since this method subscribes to both movement.performed and movement.canceled, my understanding is that the OnMovementChanged method is then called with performed when an input is given (to start moving the player) and then OnMovementChanged method is called again through canceled when the player lets go of the input (so the system knows to stop the player or at least to assign a zero vector value).

The action map and actions are referenced here through strings. These strings are the names given to them in the input master you create initially. Also the inputs created for the Movement action they created use a 2D Vector Composite.

Tutorial – Part 2 – Reference Hard Typed Generated Script

After noting that the action map and actions must be referenced through strings in the initial project, they mention that there is a way to replace the string accessors with strongly typed solutions. They also mention to do this they would encapsulate the logic in a few methods and break them off into their own class, but this is where they introduce the Input Action Importer which can do that for you using the Input Action Asset you have created.

When selecting the Input Action Asset, there is a “Generate C# Class” option. This creates an “encapsulation of your Input Action Asset complete with strongly typed accessors for all of your custom made action maps and input actions.” When creating this, you are also given some options to define where the file would be saved, what it is named, and what namespace it should live in. Leaving these blank provides a default option. The older version also had check boxes for generating events and interfaces, but those do not appear in the newer version I am using.

Looking through the generated class, we can identify in the lines here where the strongly typed accessors have been created:

m_UnityBasicMovement = asset.FindActionMap(“UnityBasicMovement”, throwIfNotFound: true);

m_UnityBasicMovement_Movement = m_UnityBasicMovement.FindAction(“Movement”, throwIfNotFound: true);


UnityBasicMovement = name of the action map

Movement = name of the action (found within the UnityBasicMovement action map)

This then allows you to tie your actions into the Input Action Asset through an approach as follows:

movement = playerControls.UnityBasicMovement.Movement;


movement = an InputAction object

playerControls = reference to the generated C# script object from the Input Action Asset

UnityBasicMovement = name of the action map where the action is located

Movement = name of the action

This entire line of references are all now hard typed and help reduce errors.

I then ran into an issue I faced in another tutorial using an older version of this input system. They had a serialized field to drop a reference to the generated class into in Unity’s inspector, but that is not an option with the new system. To rectify this you just need to create a new instance of that generated class to connect all your actions to.

Tutorial – Part 3 – Use Generated Interface

Here they use the interface created by the generated class because they selected the “Create Interface” option. I see this interface structure is also present in the class I am working with so it appears that is just added by default now. This is important because the generated class also creates a struct with in it that holds a method that requires this interface as a parameter.

This method is named SetCallbacks. It takes in the generated interface (named I[Name of Action Map]Actions) and that parameter is named instance. It then checks if the wrapper.callbackinterface object has been set yet and if so, it unsubscribes all of its OnMovement methods from the action’s event (in this case, the Movement action). It then sets that wrapper.callbackinterface to the current instance for future reference, and adds all the current instance’s OnMovement methods to the Movement action (again, this is the started, performed, and canceled events). All in all this method handles unsubscribing everything from a previous instance (if there is one) and then subscribes all of the new instances methods (or just adds them if it is the first instance). They word it as “this method registers the instance of IGameplayActions to the Movement InputAction’s events: started, performed, and canceled.”

After making the player input script with all our movement logic implement this created interface, this means all of the manual method registering to events could be replaced with simply using the SetCallbacks method passing in this as the parameter. Make sure to use the method required by this interface (which was OnMovement in this case) and place your input logic into that method. Then finally the object that should be enabled and disabled at this point should be your InputActionAsset generated class, and not an InputAction object.

To summarize…

I replaced:

movement.performed += OnMovementChanged;

movement.canceled += OnMovementChanged;



and replaced:

private void OnEnable()




private void OnDisable()





private void OnEnable()




private void OnDisable()





This tutorial was extremely helpful for showing all the ways you can access Unity’s newer input system through C#. They start with the basic string references, then move to the hard typed option created by their generated class, and finally show how the interface within the generated script can be used to implement hard typed references as well. While it is a bit more complex to get started with this setup than Unity’s original input system, this tool seems like it could be very promising for quickly setting up more involved player controllers. It also looks like it will provide good options for editing the inputs at run time.

via Blogger