Doppler Effect in Mario Kart – Game Audio – by Scruffy

July 1, 2021

Doppler Effect and Audio Controller

Game Audio

Mario Kart and the Doppler Effect


Youtube – Information

Explanation of how Mario Kart creates the doppler effect and efficiently distributes audio to multiple players.


This video covers how Mario Kart Wii specifically uses the doppler effect, as well as just how some of their audio systems work in general. It is decent coverage of how to implement a basic doppler effect system into a game in general.

Fig. 1: Image from “Mario Kart and the Doppler Effect” Video Above by Scruffy

Setup of Doppler Effect System

The key is the relationship between sound frequency and relative velocity of objects. Their approach to measure this is just by measuring the distance from the audio source to the audio listener each frame, and if there is a difference, that is used for a relative velocity term. This relative velocity term is bound to some negative and positive scale (one direction meaning higher frequency and the other being lower frequency). The way this relative velocity maps to a difference in sound frequency can use any mathematical relationship to fit whatever feels best (i.e. linear, logarithmic, etc.).

They break this core down into three basic steps:

  1. Get distance between source and listener each frame
  2. Subtract from previous for rate of change
  3. Map rate of change to determine sound playback speed (to taste)

Expansion of the System and Efficiency

This explanation shows the direct relationship between an audio source and an audio listener, but games tend to have many audio sources. They show how immediatley this can at least be simplified by having some audio distance so the calculations only need to be performed on objects within a certain distance of the listener. The other big part of simplifying the system is just limiting which sources implement the doppler effect. Not every sound needs to use this, so it can be removed from many standard sources (i.e. the crowd in Mario Kart).

Split Screen Solution

This is fairly niche, but still interesting. With split screen, the audio of multiple listeners needs to come through a single audio output. Since they may experience different levels of the doppler effect for the same audio sources, they needed a solution to provide an experience that does not sound like a mess. Their approach was that each player only makes sound in their own camera (so one player is not listening to the other on the same screen), and when dealing with outside sources, only the player closest to the audio source is taken into account. The other player’s audio for that source is simply negated. This is a nice solution as the system already takes the distance between sources and listeners into account anyway.

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Game Project: Flying Game: Sonic Boost – Part 4 – Projectile and Environment Interaction

June 2, 2021

Flying Game



I was trying to think of ideas on how to add an extra mechanic to the flying controller that ties in with a fast and agile moving controller, and thought of tying in some type of sonic boom effect. With this, I thought creating an expanding projectile from the player after boosting could be an interesting way to generate these projectiles. I then explored a few ways to have the projectile interact with the environment and came across a relatively simple one that provides some fun feedback.

Sonic Boom Projectile

Everything about the projectile is rather simple. The projectile is generated when the player performs a fully charged boost. It then expands at some growth rate (dictated by the projectile controller on the player) up until some maximum size (dictated in the same location). As it encounters objects with an IDestructible interface, it will cause them to perform their Destroyed() method.

This gives a pretty cool effect that at least has a minimal basis in real world physics. It also makes tight turns and effective direction changes tied to a boost more satisfying when performed properly. It does have a major flaw currently however in that a majority of the action is normally happening behind the player, so they do not get to witness it most of the time. This is a pretty severe drawback that I will need to investigate some solutions to.

Voxelized Environment Obstacles

I initially liked the idea of creating targets or obstacles that could be destroyed by this growing sonic boom that would deteriorate as the sonic boom moved into it, as opposed to a more general game approach where contact would just do damage and destroys the entire object as a whole. This led me to making a bit more voxelized targets, which were made up of several chunks instead of just being a single large mesh.

To begin, I created a Voxel Obstacle script which is the overall container of a full obstacle made of several voxelized elements. This script just holds 3 dimensional values and builds out a solid cube/rectangular solid based on those dimensions.

The elements that make up the full obstacles are just simple prefab cubes for now, with a VoxelObstacleElement script. That script implements the IDestructible interface just so they have a Destroyed() method for the projectile to interact with.

Initially I had these elements have their gameobjects destroyed on impact with the projectile just to test the interactions. This was an ok approach, and gave the deteriorating effect I wanted that was at least more fun than the whole area exploding immdeiately on impact. However, I explored a more physics-based approach that looked a lot more satisfying. I simply turned the elements’ rigid body component from kinematic to non-kinematic to effectively enabled their physics. This gave a fun tumbling and physics-y effect for the individual blocks as they interacted with the projectile.

This is a decent spot for most of the elements of this small game project, and I think the next step is just building out a better level to test the individual mechanics in. I would also like to add a bit more to the projectile/environment interaction just to make it a bit more impactful. I would also like to remove the strange interaction of hitting the blocks from above, as without any additional force, they don’t really move since they really start by moving downward with gravity being the only force acting on them.

Sonic Boost – Projectile Tests and Environment Voxel Interactions from Steve Lilley on Vimeo.

Video: Sonic Boom Projectile and Obstacle Destruction Showcase (1st and 2nd Iteration)

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Game Project: Flying Game – Part 1 – Introductory Movement and Camera Controller

April 30, 2021

Flying Game

Game Project


I wanted to do some work on a small, simple 3D game in Unity I could make within a week or so. My original focus is on player movement, and from there I decided to hone in on a flying game of some kind. I have been watching Thabeast721 on Twitch and he recently played Super Man 64 which I have also seen at Games Done Quick (GDQ) events and thought building off of and improving their flying controller could be a fun project.

Player Controllers

Controller #1 – Rotate Forward Axis

My initial thoughts on a basic flying player controller was to have left/right rotate the player on the y-axis, up/down rotate the player on the x-axis, and a separate button to propel the player in their current forward direction.

As a controller standard, I also tend to have the player’s input be received in the Update method to receive as often as possible, but then output these inputs as movement in FixedUpdate to keep it consistent on machines with different frame rates.

	private void Update()
        horizontalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        verticalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

        if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
            isMoving = true;
            isMoving = false;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        // Inputs in reverse position for direction vector because that influences which axis that input rotates AROUND
        Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(verticalInput * inversion, horizontalInput, 0.0f));

    private void Flying(Vector3 dir)

    private void RotatePlayer(Vector3 dir)
		transform.Rotate(dir * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

    private void MovePlayer(Vector3 dir)
		if (isMoving)
			transform.position += transform.forward * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

Controller #2 – Rotate on Y-Axis but Translate Directly Vertically

With my second approach I wanted to try and emulate the flying controller from Super Man 64 just to see how it felt. It seems like a more acarde-y style of flying with easier controls, so I thought it would be a good option to investigate. For this horizontal rotation (rotation on the y-axis) remained the same, as this is pretty standard with grounded player controllers as well.

The up and down rotation (rotation on the x-axis) however, was completely removed. The up/down inputs from the player simply influence the movement vector of the player, adding some amount of up or down movement to the player. This makes it much easier to keep the player’s forward vector relatively parallel to the ground and is much less disorienting than free-form rotational movement in the air.

	private void Start()
        if (isInvertedControls)
            inversion = -1.0f;

    private void Update()
        horizontalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        verticalInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

        if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
            isMoving = true;
            isMoving = false;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        // Inputs in reverse position for direction vector because that influences which axis that input rotates AROUND
        Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(verticalInput * inversion, horizontalInput, 0.0f));

    private void Flying(Vector3 dir)

    private void RotatePlayer(Vector3 dir)
		transform.Rotate(dir.y * Vector3.up * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);     

    private void MovePlayer(Vector3 dir)
		if (isMoving)
			Vector3 movementDirection = Vector3.Normalize(transform.forward + dir.x * Vector3.up);
			transform.position += movementDirection * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

Camera Controller

Follow Position

To follow the player’s position, I am using a really simple case where it just follows them at some fixed offset. The offset is originally determined by the initial position of the camera relative to the player, and then for the rest of its run its position is just that of the player summed with the offset.

Where transform.position is the position of the camera object:

offset = transform.position – player.transform.position;

transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;

Rotate to Follow

My first test just to initialize the camera follow was to child it to the player to see how it looked that way. This worked ok for following position, but having multiple rotation influences made this impossible to use quickly at first. As I changed the player controller to a more general, arcade-style, it worked better but was still poor for rotation.

To fix this I put the camera as a child onto a separate empty gameobject. This gameobject could then follow the player and rotate to rotate the camera around the player while keeping it at a fixed offset distance. This also made determining the rotation angle/looking vector from the camera to the player much simpler. Since the camera is rotate downward some, its forward vector is not in-line with the world z-axis anymore. This camera container however could keep its axes algined with the world’s axes. This meant I could just make sure to align this container’s forward vector with the player’s forward facing vector on the xz-plane. To do so it just required the following:

private void RotateView()
	Vector3 lookDirection = new Vector3(player.transform.forward.x, 0.0f, player.transform.forward.z);

	transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDirection, Vector3.up);

Unity’s Quaternion.LookRotation method allows me to set the rotation of the object based on the direction of a forward facing vector (lookDirection in this case), with a perpendicular upward vector to make sure I keep the rotation solely around the y-axis.

The following is a quick look at how the final player controller and camera controller interact from this initial prototype approach:

Flying Game Project: Initial Player Controller and Camera Controller Prototypes from Steve Lilley on Vimeo.


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Planning and Designing 2D Character Controllers: Using Lucid Chart

January 28, 2021


2D Platformer Design


Visualization tool for diagramming and flowcharting.


I want to begin designing the 2D platformer character controller creation tool, so I looked for diagramming and flowcharting tools and turned to Lucidchart. I have used it a couple times in the past, and thought it would be a good source to go to again for this. It covers both the helpful programming diagramming as well as just general note and design organization is a clean and visual way.

Design Start: Inspirations and Controller Component Breakdown

Since I want to make a strong character controller creating tool, I want to gather good resources to draw from to see what different components I want to include in the tool. To start this, I began laying out all the basic components that I think can make up a 2D platforming character in a game that I am interested in covering. To support this, I have also began listing games with strong or unique 2D platforming character controllers that I want to draw options and information from. This are shown below in the images created with Ludicchart (these are just the beginnings to start getting the information down and figure out how to start organization).

2D Platformer Character Controller Components: Start

Games to Research and Draw Inspiration

As I started to fill in the games, I noticed that some of them are distinctly different in what I consider pacing so I decided to separate those out for now. Recent Yoshi games and most Kirby games tend to be a bit easier on the difficulty side, especially compared to a lot of games on my list, which I think in turn makes them feel a bit lower paced. This may not be the most accurate term, as there are times a game such as Hollow Knight can be a bit slower paced, but I do not think it has anywhere near the feel that Yoshi and Kirby games has I am trying to convey.


So far Lucidchart has been fantastic just for visually organizing my thoughts and notes so far. The components are very cleanly organized because I can lay out the major component names, while attaching notes to those individual components to give a longer description as well as some game examples to explain them better.

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